History activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, with questions developed about the provisional government (1930-1934).
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Getúlio Vargas who are in Rio Grande do Sul, glorified be your fight. May your strength come to us, may your cause be victorious in the south as in the north. Forgive our cowardices, just as we forgive legalists. Do not let us fall into the power of Washington Luis and deliver us from Julio Prestes. Amen.
The “Our Father” of the 1930 Revolutionaries
1) Vargas broke the legal order in the country: the results of the ballot boxes were ignored and the Constitution of 1891 was “torn apart”. What happened to the Legislative Power?
2) Industrial development policy was one of Vargas' priorities. What were the main incentives to boost the Brazilian industry?
3) President Vargas created the Ministry of Labour, Industry and Commerce and appointed the Gaucho politician Lindolfo Collor as his minister. Then, many labor laws were created, which regulated the relationship between employers and employees in industries. What are some rights granted to workers?
4) Why were unions tied in the Vargas era?
5) The Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, in São Paulo, was another major event of the provisional government. What was this Revolution of 32?
6) The 1932 Revolution was defeated on the battlefield, but the Paulistas won an important political victory. What's up?
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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