Text interpretation activity aimed at fourth or fifth year students, the text used in this activity is “The changed man”.
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the changed man
The man wakes up from the anesthesia and looks around. He's still in the recovery room. There's a nurse on his side. He asks if everything went well.
'Everything perfect,' says the nurse, smiling.
– I was afraid of this operation…
- Because? There was no risk.
– With me, there is always risk. My life has been a series of mistakes...
And he says that the mistakes started with his birth. There was an exchange of babies in the nursery and he was raised until he was ten years old by a couple of Orientals, who never understood the fact of having a fair son with round eyes. Discovered the error, he went to live with his real parents. Or with a real mother, since her father had abandoned his wife after she couldn't explain the birth of a Chinese baby.
– And my name? Another mistake.
– Isn't your name Lily?
– It was supposed to be Lauro. They made a mistake at the registry and…
Mistakes followed. At school, he was always being punished for what he didn't do. He had successfully taken the entrance exam, but had not been able to enter the university. The computer was wrong, his name did not appear on the list.
– My phone bill has been coming with incredible figures for years. Last month I had to pay more than R$3,000.
– You don't make long distance calls?
- I do not have a phone!
He had met his wife by mistake. She had mistaken him for another. They weren't happy.
- Because?
– She was deceiving me.
He had been arrested by mistake. Several times. He received subpoenas to pay off debts he didn't owe. Even he'd had a brief, crazy glee when he'd heard the doctor say:
– You are hopeless.
But it had also been the doctor's mistake. It wasn't that serious. A simple appendicitis.
– If you say the operation went well…
The nurse stopped smiling.
– Appendicitis? – She asked hesitantly.
– É. The operation was to remove the appendix.
– Wasn't it supposed to change sex?
Luis Fernando Verissimo
1) Who is the author of the story?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What is the title of the text?
4) In your opinion, why did the author choose this title for the text?
5) What were the mistakes that happened in Lily's life?
6) Where does the story take place?
7) What mistake happened in the surgery?
8) Now it's your turn, create an ending for this story:
At answers are in the link above the header.