Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aims to study the pronoun. The various questions proposed explore the different types of pronouns that make up the text. The voice of conscience and other voices, by Moacyr Scliar.
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My grandmother used to say that conscience is this little voice that, inside us, tells us what must be done. And then added with a sigh:
“The problem is, there's a lot of noise in the world. People now have difficulty hearing their conscience.
'My grandmother was therefore a skeptical person. What she didn't know is that the world evolves – and that there are always new ways to get people the message they need to hear. The following story is an example...
From the first day of class, it was clear that Edmundo was out to create a mess. He was new to school; the father, the manager of a large company, had just been transferred to the city. It would be expected, therefore, that Edmundo would approach us, introduce himself, try to make friends. That is not what happened. He walked in, a tall, handsome young man, very well dressed, wearing strange dark glasses. He didn't greet anyone; he chose a place at the back of the room, sat down, took a magazine from his backpack, opened it, and read. We watched him, silent. Finally, Jorge, who between us played the role of public relations, approached him:
- My name is Jorge. We already know you're new here at school, and in town. Wouldn't you like to meet the rest of the gang?
Edmundo looked at him for a moment:
“After,” he said dryly. – Now I'm reading.
Moacyr Scliar. “The voice of conscience and other voices”. In: Ruth Rocha (ed.) Tales from the school. Objective: Rio de Janeiro, 2003, pp. 41-42, vol. 2.
Question 1 - The text read has purposes:
a) didactic
b) literary
c) journalistic
d) technicians
e) advertisers
Question 2 - There is a predominance in the text of sequences of the type:
a) injunctive
b) expository
c) descriptive
d) argumentative
e) narrative
Question 3 - Identify the referent of the personal pronoun "we" in the following excerpts:
a) "My grandmother used to say that conscience is this little voice that, inside us, tells us what must be done."
b) “Finally, Jorge, who between us played the role of public relations, approached him […]”
Question 4 – In all alternatives, the referents of the highlighted personal pronouns were correctly indicated, except in:
a) "What Is it over there I didn't know that the world evolves […]” (“My grandmother”)
b) “[…] the message that they need to hear.” ("people")
ç) "He I was new at school […]” (“Jorge”)
d) “[…] opened-The and read it." ("a magazine")
it is us O we watched, in silence." ("Edmundo")
Question 5 - Check the sentence in which "very" plays the role of an indefinite pronoun:
( ) “— The problem is that there is a lot of noise in the world.”
( ) “He came in, a tall, handsome, very well dressed boy […]”
Question 6 – Mark the sentence whose underlined term works as a demonstrative pronoun:
a) “My grandmother used to say that conscience is it is little voice that […]"
b) “The story what follows is an example…”
c) "Didn't greet nobody […]”
d) “Finally, Jorge, who between us played the role of public relations, approached from him […]”
e) “We already know you are new on here at school […]"
Question 7 – In the passage “—My grandmother was, therefore, a skeptical person.”, the pronoun “Mine” expresses the idea of:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.