Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, proposes the study of adverbial phrases. What is an adverbial phrase? It's the joining of two or more words with the adverb function! How about learning about them through the text Is chocolate good or bad for your health? So, get to work!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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It depends. If you consume a small bonbon a day, preferably dark chocolate, it will increase the production of serotonin (a substance that improves mood and gives you a feeling of well-being) in the body. The problem is to consume too much chocolate, especially if it's all at once. This causes discomfort, headache and stomachache, kidney problems and weight gain.
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Question 1 - Point out the passage in which the highlighted phrase is adverbial:
( ) “If you consume a small candy per day […]”
( ) “It causes discomfort, pain Of Head and stomach […]”
( ) "[…] problem in the kidneys and weight gain.”
Question 2 - The adverbial phrase, mentioned above, indicates:
( ) place
( ) time
( ) mode
Question 3 - Underline the adverbial phrase that makes up this fragment of the text:
“The problem is consuming too much chocolate […]”
Question 4 – It can be said that the phrase, underlined in the previous question, serves the purpose of intensifying the meaning of:
( ) an adverb
( ) an adjective
( ) a verb
Question 5 - In the sentence "We should eat chocolate in moderation!", the adverbial phrase "in moderation" expresses:
( ) a way
( ) one way
( ) a cause
Question 6 – Rewrite the sentence, replacing the adverbial phrase "in moderation" with the corresponding adverb:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.