Much has been heard of the word scam, mainly in internet memes. Hoaxing is a kind of deception, a lie, a cunning attempt to deceive someone, which is cunningly contrived.
Scam is a harmful attitude that aims to deceive e. harm others, leading them to believe that a certain event is. false or true, when in fact it is the other way around.
Scam is different from vicar, which seeks material profits on. deceit and only for materialistic gains. The scam aims to defame, embarrass and cause changes in the individual's life, including social exclusion.
The scam is usually caused by people who want to take the peace of others, who do everything to harm the lives of others and are masters in taking the balance point of others.
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Scam on the internet is associated with someone annoying, what if. behaves in a way that causes dislike and disaffection. It also refers to someone. obnoxious who has few friends.
Example with the word. scam, as the term is used in slang:
“I don't know what the. scam my boyfriend is doing here if he wasn't invited”.
Although the term has gained wide acceptance as slang, the. sense of the actual meaning of the word and slang differ somewhat in concept.
Generally, memes that have gained popularity and circulate. all over the internet they refer to men who cause discomfort to their women. partners.
“That scam acted from. shameless and unfaithful way with his girlfriend”.
Synonyms of scam Antonyms. of scam
plot Dignity
bullshit accuracy
honesty cheat
Scam is also related to someone nobody. supports, which makes the other person roll their eyes when they arrive in an environment.
the hashtag # quit scam became popular because of this meaning of scam on social networks.
Scam has always been synonymous with a lie very well. engineered to harm someone. That kind of lie is so well planned. that makes the person actually believe false information.
This word was also used to refer to one. trot, a black humor joke that sought to cause discomfort or something. a kind of detrimental embarrassment to the victim.
It was from 2018 that the expression fell on the people's lips. with another meaning, so that hoax came to refer to someone. inconvenient.
Why scam?
The nickname the internet has given for scam is usually related. to casual, loving encounters that never leave the same, where the promise of the. commitment never happens.
Generally a liar, as a person is defined as having. deceitful attitude, it is seductive, it manages to get into a conquering rhythm, even conquering. What you want. Then, like the good trickster that he is, he just gives up. of the relationship and ends up harming its victim either emotionally or by. through ridicule, or even when his mask falls off and he reveals himself. an insufferable person and no longer the charming philanderer he once was. revered.
Scammers are people who cheat, lie, perform. swindles and aim to harm others. That kind of person doesn't take it forward. their relationships, usually sit on the fence and promise worlds and funds. that will never fulfill.
Scammers spy and tease. When making promises, by. more than in their cloak of seduction they manage to make the next believe in. their delusions, the subject is not actually part of their ideals and not even. of your most intimate wills.
The trickster is watered by self-centeredness and only sees the world. through the navel itself, where only his perspective is considered. Generally, the trickster assimilates to someone bordering on psychopathy, where he needs it. prove your power of seduction, give yourself credit and “shake up” life a little. at the expense of others.
In the literal sense of the word, the liar is an adjective and. masculine noun. The term originates from imposter. The source verb of. liar comes from the Latin imponere, which means “impose”, from in-, which is “in, inside”, more ponere, which means “to place, to put”.
The liar is the word for an imposter, one. guy who lies a lot. The liar has the following traits of. personality:
Trickster is used to indicate a person who makes use of it. of cunning lies, of deceit. He is a cheating person. The concept of. liar is therefore an adjective or noun that is aimed at one. individual who makes use of scams, usually with the clear objective of deceiving. other people.
Scam is a masculine noun that has a meaning. a lie that is full of cunning aimed at deceiving or harming others. He can. be used with the same sense of deception or deceit.
Lickery, can refer to a high-ranking soldier who. he likes to brag, taking advantage of his position as a military man. The soldier. who likes to humiliate subordinates or people who are in inferior positions, in order to show himself superior, can be considered a liar.
Trickster is therefore synonymous with words such as:
The following are antagonistic to the deceit concept. terms:
In English, the word liar is translated as: fraud.
Second excerpt collected by the site, na. In the area of Spiritism, there is the so-called deceitful spirit, which is a spirit of. an inferior order that pretends to have a respectable name to make itself believe, exercising dominance for the person who listens to it.
In this way, the individual remains deluded by the qualities. of the entity that dominates it, repelling any assistance that the spiritists. can offer to help the person.
This one is considered here as the lying spirits that they are. also called spellbinding spirits.
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