Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the writer from Minas Gerais Guimaraes Rosa. Let's get to know the story of the author of Grande Sertão: Paths, one of the most important books in our literature? Did you know that Guimarães Rosa loved to invent words? Pretty cool, isn't it? Discover more fun facts about the life of this famous Brazilian writer by reading the text Do you know who Guimarães Rosa was? Afterwards, be sure to answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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João Guimarães Rosa was born on June 27, 1908, in a city called Cordisburgo, in the interior of Minas Gerais. As a child, his main fun was locking himself in his room to imagine characters from wild stories.
Despite having a degree in medicine, his real passion has always been to invent interesting narratives. He was also very fond of learning other languages. He spoke Hungarian, Russian, Chinese, German, English, French, Romanian and Italian, among other languages. Because of this, he was encouraged by a friend to pursue a career as a diplomat.
In this new profession, Rosa saw the world. He always carried a notebook to record everything he saw. As a Brazilian representative in Germany, he went through a situation that deeply marked his life. The country was at war. During one night, he woke up wanting to buy cigarettes. When he returned, he realized that his house was no longer there! It had been destroyed by a bomb! This made Guimarães Rosa a very superstitious man.
In 1946, he wrote his first book, called Sagarana, mixing the little stories he had noted in his notebook from the time he was a doctor in Itaguara (MG) to his experiences in others countries. Ten years later, he published Grande Sertão: Veredas, one of the most important books in Brazilian literature.
The nickname “wizard of words” was given to Guimarães Rosa because he loved to invent words. For example: “tauophtongo”, which means the lowing of the bull. To create this expression, he mixed the Greek term “tauros” (which means bull) and “phtoggos” (which means sound of speech).
Guimarães Rosa died in 1967, three days after taking office at the Academia Brasileira de Letras. In fact, he died, no! As he said: “people don't die, they are enchanted”.
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Question 1 - The text read is:
( ) A tale.
( ) a review.
( ) a biography.
Question 2 - In the passage “In this new profession, Rosa got to know the world.”, the text refers to what profession did Guimarães Rosa?
( ) to the medical profession.
( ) to the writing profession.
( ) to the profession of diplomat.
Question 3 - In the segment “[…] he went through a situation that marked deep his life.”, the term underlined plays the role of:
( ) explain.
( ) intensify.
( ) characterize.
Question 4 – According to the text, a fact “made Guimarães Rosa to become a very superstitious man”. Explain:
Question 5 - According to the text, Guimarães Rosa was nicknamed the “wizard of words” because:
( ) he loved making up words.
( ) he bewitched with words.
( ) he created amazing stories.
Question 6 – In the sentence “To create this expression, he mixed […]”, the highlighted part resumes:
( ) “tauophtongo”.
( ) “tauros”.
( ) “phtoggos”.
Question 7 – Read the following statements about the life of Guimarães Rosa:
I. “Sagarana” is considered the main book by Guimarães Rosa.
II. Guimarães Rosa published the work “Grande Sertão: Veredas” in 1956.
III. Guimarães Rosa's taste for writing arose when he was a child.
According to the text, what is stated in:
( ) I and II.
( ) II and III.
( ) I, II and III.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.