Portuguese Activity asks 1st year high school students to rewrite a opinion article, through the proper fitting of the conjunctions, shuffled on purpose. In this context, the notion of textual coherence and cohesion is worked on.
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Activity: The conjunctions, highlighted in the following opinion article, were scrambled. Rewrite it, fitting them into place and making the necessary changes to make sense of the text:
[…] The 20th century was responsible for the appearance of a new species: the slaves of culture. The world got rid of Nazism, Fascism and even Communism,
Organized societies are perplexed, However the emptiness of ideas, along with accelerated technical progress, is generating a slowed-down culture... But, the solidary attitude and helping action are not incorporated into the behavioral repertoire of modern man…
Football players and boxers earn millions. Anyway, producers of knowledge and culture can barely survive.
In closing, I would say that facing barbarism is a kind of inglorious struggle. It's the one fought against the lack of ideas. For Schiller, against stupidity even the gods fight in vain.
Wilson Luiz Sanvito. In: Afternoon Newspaper, p.4. April 18, 1998.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.