Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, on proparoxytones. Let's analyze these words in the text Why aren't birds shocked when they land on wires? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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Shock is the sensation of electric current passing from one body to another, through a third conducting body. When a bird lands on a wire, the two are at the same electrical potential (balance between the number of protons – positive charges – and electrons – negative charges). The bird will be shocked if it, resting on the wire, touches another body with a different electrical potential. In this case, it would become an intermediary between the loads of the wire and a tree, for example.
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Question 1 - The word “bird” is emphasized because it is:
( ) proparoxytone.
( ) oxytone ending in “o”.
( ) paroxytone ending in a diphthong.
Question 2 – Underline the following word proparoxytone:
“Shock is the sensation of electric current passing from one body to another, through a third conducting body.”
Question 3 – The underlined word proparoxytone above is:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) a noun.
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] (balance between the number of protons – positive charges – and electrons – negative charges)”, there are two proparoxytone words. Tick them:
( ) “balance” and “number”.
( ) “protons” and “electrons”.
( ) “number” and “electrons”.
Question 5 – Identify one of the proparoxytone words used in the text:
( ) "he had taken".
( ) "intermediary".
( ) "tree".
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.