In this post we have selected excellent models and suggestions for your June 2019 Party Project for early childhood education and elementary school.
Excellent suggestions for working on this very important party here in Brazil, which starts on June 12th, the day before St. Anthony's Day and ends on June 29th, St. Peter's Day. On the 23rd and 24th, St. John's Day is celebrated. These are the three popular saints remembered in the month of June.
In addition to the JUNINA party, in some states of the country the JULINA and AGOSTINA party is also celebrated.
And thinking about that and in ways to make it easier for you (teachers) we decided to share some models for your Festa Junina 2019 Project, check it out:
Assembly of June panels to decorate the school. Reading of informative texts. Reading poetry and/or songs from June. Assembling a newspaper with June tips. Creative text readings. Hunting words. Crosswords. Assembly of posters and invitations. Making a book of recipes for typical foods of the time. Confection of June decorations. Math activities with problematization. Panel assembly with beliefs and superstitions. Awareness of the danger of releasing balloons.
posters; Manila paper; Sulfite; Glue; Gouache paint; Colored pencils; EVA, TNT; Scissors; Brush tool; Crepe; CDs; Stereo; Television; Costumes;
The activities will be developed collectively and individually with teacher and student interaction during the proposed activities.
O June 2019 Party Project it will end with the realization of the Junina party with country music, square dances, typical foods.
The assessment will be through registration in relation to the individual and collective learning of students against the activities proposed during the development of the June 2019 Party Project.
Also check out: June Party poster.
1st Talk to the students and select the themes to be worked on about the JUNINAS FESTIVALS.
2nd search at home about FESTAS JUNINAS, why?
Afterwards, the students will talk about the research, and a collective text should be created:
3rd Decorate the classroom with colorful posters and flags.
4th Work on the next topics, during the month, according to the students' interests.
5th Photograph the decoration and the group of students.
6° Solve mathematical problems with the themes of the party.
7th Create and solve mathematical problems with the typical food prices of the party.
8th Work with students about the dangers of fireworks then students will create messages to be placed in the hallways, warning about the dangers caused by fireworks.
9° The students will organize themselves in groups, and each group will work on a previously chosen subject and will make an exhibition of their work for the colleagues and put an illustration last.
10° Some students, with difficulty in mathematics, will be working with geometric figures (flag, balloon).
It is the month of June and the Festas Juninas celebrations begin. Selling invitations, rehearsing the square dance and typical dances, decorating the school...
The day of the party arrives and that's it! What is left of this for the children? What is the meaning of the June celebrations?
Festa Junina is an excellent opportunity to engage in various interdisciplinary activities and expand the linguistic universe, as it constitutes a rich theme where different types of languages can be explored, rescue of games, typical cuisine and others!
The school has an important role in valuing traditions, so this June 2019 Party Project will integrate the school community and will take place throughout the month of June.
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