The best Activities with the letter E, ready to print and apply to early grade students in the literacy process. They are educational activities that help in a fun way to initial literacy.
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Paint the vowel E blue in all the words below:
Cover the elephant's trunk with a cord and find the vowel that appears in it:
Connect the drawings that start with the vowel E
Also be sure to see: Book of Riddles with Alphabet Letters
Elephant Word Hunt
Look for words below beginning with the letter E
The elegant emu:
Dotted with the vowel E
Also check: Cursive Letters - Printable Activities
To perform this activity with the letter E, we will need a sewing elastic of approximately 2m.
Tie the ends of the elastic together. Two participants will be the elastic supports. Distant about 1.5m, the supports fit the elastic at the ankles and opening the legs so that a rectangle is formed parallel to the floor. Outsiders alternate jumping to the inside, outside, and over the rubber band without tangling their feet. When you finish the sequence, the elastic goes up one level and goes up to your knees, then to your thighs and hips. It is usually necessary to correct the level of the elastic because of the difference in height between children.
When one of the participants makes a mistake, it is another player's turn to start their sequence. Jumping choreographies vary as much as the participants' creativity and energy allow. This game is also called...rubber band play, Elastic jumps.
The objective of this activity is to stimulate attention, agility, memory, motor coordination and knowledge of colors.
One participant is chosen to lead, in the case of younger children it is ideal to be an adult. He gets ahead of the others and says: "Colorful little elephant!". The others respond: "What color?". The commander then shouts the name of a color and the players run to touch something that has that hue. The further away the color access, the more difficult the game becomes. For the older ones, the game will be more fun if the commander chases the other participants and tries to capture them before they reach the color. The first captured becomes the next commander.
Put the letter E on each soap bubble.
Cover the dotted letter E. Then copy:
Note the letter E:
Cutting several letters from newspapers and magazines e. Then paste them in the space below:
Find the letter E on the elephant's trunk and paint it blue
Paint all the E letters you find red. And the letters A in blue:
Complete the words with the letter E
Paint drawings whose names start with the letter E:
Paint in each word group the one that starts with the vowel E
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