In this post we selected tips and suggestions for your Elementary school lesson plan.
What is a Teacher Work Plan? It is a document prepared by the teacher with the intention of organizing teaching-learning in the classroom.
The lesson plan is a work tool that specifies the expected behaviors of the student, the contents, the didactic resources and the procedures that will be used for its realization. The lesson plan seeks to systematize all activities that take place in the period of time in which teacher and student interact, in a teaching-learning dynamic.
It is astonishing what we hear behind the scenes of Christian Education when it comes to planning: “What? Plan classes? Nothing! Just read the lesson and reproduce the comment with other words.” This is the picture of the infamous and harmful self-indulgence. For some teachers, the lesson plan consists of observing three steps: introduction, development, and conclusion.
Unfortunately for others, it doesn't even matter. As the saying goes, his classes are "no way up." These are almost always surprised by the superintendent's warning to the classes: “Lessons are 5 minutes away”. They can only complain with an air of grandeur: "now that I was finishing the introduction!" This often happens because many teachers ignore the relevance and purpose of the teaching plan. class.
A good lesson plan promotes teaching efficiency, saves time and energy, contributes to achieving the intended objectives and, above all, avoids routine running and improvisation.
Check out several ready-made Lesson Plans for Elementary School, with different subjects and subjects (CLICK HERE).
And more in:
Elementary School Lesson Plan – Model and Step-by-Step
(Procedures adopted to facilitate the learning process).
(The assignment of audio-visual resources shows the dynamics of the class).
(designates how the teacher will assess students in class).
Although it represents only one facet of the teaching activity, the lesson plan provides greater quality, balance and security for the teacher in the classroom. Since it allows this professional to help students more effectively; thus encouraging them to be critical, creative and active thinkers, with the capacity to assume their own permanent formation.
See also:
Annual geography planning:
Annual History Plan:
Annual Science Planning:
The assessment is very important, as it will help you to understand what the student's difficulties are or if he was able to develop everything that was proposed. Try to assess individual work and group work, and what knowledge your student has acquired during the project. – Personally, I like to test students at each stage, in a variety of ways. I believe that if we produce a lot of tests, we even luckily find a language adapted to the student, at the same time we worked to strengthen the famous 360º evaluation that so much suggest to us in the evaluation processes continued.
Anyway, of course all lesson plans are different from each other and a lot depends on the school you are working in and the development of the class, but look for it always innovate and make use of this resource to make your class much more dynamic and fun while documenting your teaching experience, which is always very valuable.
Source: Felipo Bellini – http://demonstre.com/como-fazer-um-plano-de-aula/
Reference: HOW TO MAKE A CLASS PLAN FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Author: Simone Helen Drummond http://simonehelendrumond.blogspot.com
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