Testosterone is present in the male genital organ, it is one of the main sex hormones produced by men, in addition to stimulating the production of sperm is in it that allows the growth of the beard, body hair, the increase in muscle mass, that is, all male characteristics already seen in everyday life. Let's get to know a little more about this hormone?
As many do not know, testosterone is also present in the female body, but in small amounts, it helps during the period of In female reproduction, there are some cases that testosterone has its presence marked by harm to women, such as the appearance of polycystic ovary syndrome that increases the testosterone hormone in the female body and ends up causing major health problems of the same.
In the male body, however, the hormone is practically part of all the physical characteristics of men, it is a hormone produced by the testicles, it has important functions in the male body, especially in sexual potency and consequently in the increase of sexual desire, in addition, it is a hormone of great importance in weaving reproduction, as it stimulates the production of spermatogenesis, which is a physiological process in which there is production of sperm, the responsible cells are the germ cells, the germ cell produces the gametes of an organism that has the capacity to reproduce itself sexually.
It also has a very important function throughout our body, it stimulates the body to use accumulated fat to accumulate energy.
Low testosterone usually happens because of the aging of men, this aging ends up directly affecting the production of this hormone more profitably directly affecting sexual potency and consequently sexual desire, in addition to increased fatigue and loss of muscle mass, the accumulation of body fat is very expressive.
Specialists draw attention to the fact that men used means, such as medication, to increase the hormone, in these cases it is important to draw attention to the fact that the consumption of pills, injections, gel, to increase testosterone, can increase the levels of hormones in the blood, hormones that are important for the body, such as GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing hormone, LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and finally FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) all hormones have the main function of stimulating the testicles to produce testosterone, with the use of inappropriate medications, ends up inhibiting the natural production of these hormones in an adequate way, above all there is a blockage in sperm production that is called by doctors as pituitary blockage, with this factor it ends up leading to a condition of fertility male.
Only in some cases evaluated by doctors that hormone replacement is necessary, these cases involve men who show signs of hypogonadism, which is a low hormone, this still in In adulthood, the normal levels of testosterone in the blood are between 300 and 900 nanograms, on the other hand, the use of a substance for the increase only brings harm to the health of the patient. men.
Low testosterone symptoms in the body:
It is proven that testosterone is directly linked to male mental health, in view of some studies, the low of this hormone can bring consequences serious in the social life of the same, in elderly people, the lack of this hormone can develop a picture of anxiety and depressive state in old age, there is a very large increase in cases nowadays, the lack of the hormone directly affects the nervous system and consequently the well-being and good mood masculine.
In these cases that directly affect the individual's social life, it is important to invest in replacement hormonal in an easy and natural way, without the need to use medicines that can harm your health male:
Therefore, we note that there are other healthier ways to prevent and replace this hormone so important, be sure to practice physical exercise, which is a great ally for increasing the same. Here's the tip.
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