This phase is marked by the body touch, the tone of voice and expression, that is, all these relationships constitute a bridge so that the baby, when observing them, can interact and act in the cultural environment that the about. Thus, creative activities are important channels of learning possibilities and in this post we have selected for you some suggestions for the Annual Planning for Nursery 1 and 2.
One class plan it is a working instrument of the teacher, in which the teacher specifies what will be done within the room, seeking to improve their pedagogical practice as well as improve the learning of students.
See also:
It is known that the child's first contact with the school is a unique and special moment, both for the family and for the school. Based on this assumption, we educators receive the children with the greatest possible affection, showing sympathy and especially showing security for the little beginners in school life.
Being well in the nursery, without crying (or suffering), involves many factors and, basically, the feelings of two people: mother and child, so it is suggested set aside two or three days for the mother to participate in her child's care, while observing how other children are treated by the staff. nursery. In a few days, the child will feel safe accepting the new environment and the people with whom he will have a new relationship
The adaptation period varies from child to child, and must be assessed individually.
To access the complete “Annual Nursery Planning – 6 months to 1 year and four months”, prepared by the Municipality of the Avaré Tourist Resort, check out the following link and download it in PDF:
This phase is marked by body touch, tone of voice and expression, that is, all these (re) actions constitute a bridge so that the baby, when observing them, can interact and act in the cultural environment that the about. Thus, creative activities are important channels of learning possibilities.
The assessment will be continuous, taking into account the processes experienced by the children, constituting an instrument for the reorganization of objectives, contents, procedures, etc. All this work will be done through observation and recording of the little ones' progress.
Phase marked by the gradual discovery of management's perception of their own actions through their surroundings. Thus, the activities for this phase should be punctuated with opportunities in which children can gradually direct their own actions, that is, the children they learn about themselves, their own skills and establish a relationship of interaction and trust with the closest other, thus learning to deal with the reality.
Annual Nursery Planning -My Darling Nursery Project, prepared by Simone Drummond:
Be sure to check:
It is from the first year of life that the baby achieves conquests in the plane of support of its own body, represented in actions such as turning, rolling, sitting, etc. These achievements precede and prepare the learning of locomotion.
To access the complete Annual Plan for Nursery 1, prepared by the Municipality of the Avaré Tourist Resort, check out the following link and download it in PDF:
Check out the following link for a super tip of annual nursery planning to work IDENTITY AND AUTONOMY.
Download in PDF – Click here.
Unity and the sensations it produces:
At this stage, children start their learning with a well-defined content. A multiplicity of activities for this age group aim to catch their attention, improve their self-confidence, developing oral language, gross motor coordination and development of autonomy. Children explore the 5 senses daily, manipulate objects such as puzzles, simulate everyday situations through small theatrical representations and interact with the educator sharing their successes and uncertainties, thus developing in the moral and cognitive aspects and social.
Learning a language is not just about learning words, but also their cultural meaning, and with them, the ways in which people understand, interpret and represent reality. The language at age 3 is already more developed and should be further explored.
Reasoning goes along with speaking. First you reason and then talk. And this process takes place in milliseconds, which can generate a lot of excitement when speaking, stuttering and shyness. The reasoning is slow and gradual, and this process must be well encouraged if it is to be well developed.
For full access to the Annual Nursery Plan shown above, check out the following link:
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