We selected in this post suggestions and tips for lesson plan first week of school, to work with students in the early grades. (Child education) for back to school.
How to start the school year? How to make Group Dynamics for the First Day of Class. The 1st day of class is a day to mingle, get to know the class, promote presentation dynamics so that everyone can get to know each other and thus start the relationship between the students.
See also: Back to School Activities
We know that the academy trains us, but professionalization we only acquire with practice, who never asked. “What will I do with the students on the first day of class?” It is a common question and whoever enters the teaching profession will end up going through it. (Keep reading).
See also: Text Camila and Back to School
The fact that the child distances himself from his parents, family and starts or continues a new journey in his life; of Early Childhood Education.
Each child and family sees us differently, with more or less concern. It is during this period that the child sees the relationship between the CEI and the family. Therefore, we must be especially careful when starting this process. It's a moment of great influence. For this and other reasons, it is very important that we prepare to receive it.
Time: 30 minutes.
Space: Classroom.
Age: From 1 year and a half.
Place all cards on a table or on the floor, with the photo and name facing down. One child at a time takes a card and hands it to the classmate who appears in the photo. The teacher then says the name of the “discovered” child to encourage recognition by the group. Another way to carry out the activity is to leave the cards spread out on the table with the photo facing up. Ask each person to take their card and stick it on the call panel, a kind of shoe rack with transparent pockets, which can be made on a cardboard base. Vary this activity by placing a photo of the child with the pet, family member, favorite toy, etc. As this is a call, it is possible to repeat this activity daily, when all the children are present, during the first months of the year. Resume it if a new member joins the group.
Learn more at: Project back to school early childhood education
NAME: Adaptation with lots of fun!
EXPERIENCE FIELD: Taking care of yourself - emotional balance
IDENTIFICATION OF THE TARGET GROUP OR PUBLIC: NURSERIES II – A, B, C and D with parents/guardians of children.
With the new school year that begins, the readaptation of the children who were already attending school begins, as well as the adaptation of the new children. There are many novelties: teachers, social room, new colleagues, etc. And to make this period as pleasant as possible, we thought of a project that would bring together interesting activities, a lot of warmth, a welcoming environment and above all dedication, love, affection and patience on the part of the teachers, being very important to understand what adaptation is and how this period of so many challenges takes place.
"Marked by meetings and disagreements, school adaptation is the moment when the child and their families start to create with the school affective relationships designed to favor the construction of a broader social world in which many achievements and learning”. (Luciana Wolfer da Silva)
“As adaptation and separation go together, entering school tends to generate anxiety. So it is important that this period is organized gradually, with parents oriented and confident about what they expect for children entering school, so that this feeling is understood, discussed and overcome by involved”. (Luciana Wolker da Silva).
In this sense, we consider the partnership and family/school interaction very important so that ties can be built favorable to the exchange of experiences and the full development of the child, who is the main subject of adaptation. We know that the trust and security of parents will be built as they get to know the teachers and their work, so we hope that this period will be one of great partnership, understanding, affection and confidence.
EXPECTED TIME: ____/_____/ 20 to ____/_____/20, where:
a) BEGINNER CHILDREN: Two children per week from each group with reduced hours (9:00 am to 3:00 pm) so that can adapt to space and people, receiving individual attention and the opportunity to adapt more quiet. The choice of children will follow criteria that we consider appropriate for the children's adaptation, as follows:
MANAGERS: Holding the Meeting of parents, teachers and employees before the start of care for the children, with presentations from the employees and description of the attributions that we develop in the CEI (routine), highlighting the norms of coexistence and period of adaptation.
TEACHERS: Continue the meeting in the classroom, delivering material needed to start the activities and explaining the importance of adaptation in the first months and the need for parents' participation in this process. And planning of applicable activities.
At this stage, we must “bet” on a personal relationship with the baby, making gestures in body communication. As a suggestion, play with: tickling, caressing, grabbing, hide-and-seek, songs, etc. That they also begin to handle the material in the social room, but without mixing: towers, buildings, screens, ball, etc. Respect free play without giving too many orders, taking the opportunity to observe their behavior.
That the meal, rest and exchanges, do not become something routine, as they are important moments to establish an individual communication (avoid rushing, nervousness, etc.). That the baby can manipulate the food until it is accomplished with the new object: the spoon.
Take advantage of the moments of exchange, to talk with them, sing, name the parts of the body at the same time as you play them. Rest should be a time of relaxation and tranquility with soothing music and songs. (Activities described in the teacher's planning).
Other activities:
a) Cozy corner: Ask parents to send in the child's backpack an object that the child has experience at home (toy, blanket, stuffed animal, cloth….)
b) Parents will bring a photo of the child with someone from the family so that the child can feel a small extension in the CEI from your home at the institution so that we can prepare a copy to make a panel to attach to the corner welcoming;
c) The original photos will be pasted in the child's individual notebook (portfolio);
d) Research through a questionnaire that parents will answer about aspects of the child's life to facilitate and personalize the adaptation;
e) Children will wake up to classical music in a quiet time;
f) Dance with children's songs;
g) Making a magic painting with the parents to put in the child's album;
h) Play with balls and dolls;
i) Daily storytelling;
j) Play with colored balloons;
k) Games with motorbikes in the solarium;
l) Walk every day through the CEI spaces for recognition;
m) Chopped paper showers;
n) Children will take a bag with gummy candy on the last day of the week;
CDs, DVDs, toys, assorted sheets, paint, brushes, pens, crayons, scraps, photos, modeling clay, sand, water and others.
We will also use:
It will be carried out continuously and systematically throughout the development of the project, through observations and monitoring of the proposed activities, considering the capacities and individualities of each kid.
Our focus in the adaptation phase is observation. We will individually assess each child through observation and with daily records (written and photographic record) and during the period of adaptation of each child we will monitor to inform the family (daily conversations and delivery of the letter - activity worked) and conclusion in print at its end, with the signature of those responsible for the child and others involved. we will make a report generally, at the end of the CEI adaptation period with the intention of recording the positive and negative points in order to improve the process for the following year.
Consultancy: Clelia Cortez – Trainer at Instituto Avisa Lá, in São Paulo.
Edwards, Carolyn. The child's hundred languages - ARTMED
Bassedas, Eulalia. Learning and teaching in Early Childhood Education – ARTMED
National Reference for Early Childhood Education, MEC, 1998.
Curriculum Guidelines: Learning Expectations and Didactic Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, PMSP – SME/ DOT, 2007.
Ana Lúcia Antunes Bresciane – Psychologist, Teacher Trainer and Pedagogical Coordinator at Escola Recreio, in SP.
Check out the full article: Back to School Routine for Early Childhood Education
Allow one to two weeks.
School adjustment starts at home, ask parents to talk to their children about the move, and let them know why they are going to school, and that they will pick you up at the school. At the end of the class, don't forget to tell them to be very transparent and explain everything to your children about the new classmates they are going to do, what is the role of the teachers…
Also ask the parents to fill out a form informing if the child has any allergies, what he/she likes to do. completely irritates, reformulate in the best way possible so that it can better meet your day to day needs with students.
Read each student's sheets and let's go to the first day of class:
Set up the classroom with dolls, carts, some places suitable for drawings, crayons, an area with play dough and another with a drawing sheet. In the beginning, it is interesting that children's time at school does not last full-time, instead adapting them to little by little, increasing the length of stay at school.
Remember that on the first day it is very important that a member of the family stays all the time at school for the student to adapt.
Try to formulate a dialogue with the children individually for example ask a student, Lucas and Rodrigo your mother told me that you like to draw here there are sheets and chalk of wax you can draw whenever you want, Maria look at how many dolls you can play with them, Mariana I already know you like play dough a lot, let's make a cake of play dough?
After having had a lot of fun, tell the children that they are now going to take a tour of the school to get to know the environment and take them to the bathroom showing that when they feel like cleaning up, this is the place, depending on size and age, always follow up! Show the cafeteria and explain that this is where lunch or snack will be served.
At the end, bring the children together and tell them what to expect the next day, motivating them to always want to go for school because there is a place where you can have little friends, you can draw, play with dolls or cart…
Ask the parents for photos and make a beautiful mural at the height of the students so they can always see their family through the photos, note the ones that have adapted better and those that have not so that you can ask the parents something that can help with the adaptation.
Organize the room by diversifying one side for play dough, another for drawing, games and as soon as students enter share what you can do that day, then go to the different places and share with praise about the students' work, for example: Renata how beautiful yours design.
After having a lot of fun, introduce the children to the corner that was chosen to put the photos of the family, at this time sing songs, songs and make the interaction by putting the photos of the kids.
For example: this girl I'm going to show now plays a lot with a doll, ate a biscuit and they're on Camila's side. Who will be?
Soon after, read stories, tales and fables where the reading corner will be.
At the end, with the cardboard box all decorated, show where the place where students should keep their toys will be.
When evaluating, observe the movement of the children in which their behaviors are more and note how the relationships of the most resistant in the class were.
The day of drawing on the mural, made of paper for children to draw and propose a theme that interests them, remembering the observations made, propose the best possible theme and if not come none in your head you can tell them to draw their favorite toys and at the end paste the drawings on the drawing board, renew the drawings at least once a month.
Allow them to play with the toys they like the most and at the end of the day read them with tales and fables and put on background music as it helps make the story more real.
Students who demonstrate a certain resistance, on the other hand, try to pay more attention to them by asking them to pick up a material and show them how do you play with that toy that you noticed that he doesn't stop looking but feels shy to go there play.
Do not forget to keep an eye on the children who think that everything is a party because they are the ones who get into trouble or end up getting hurt by always being at the party.
From then on, we wish the class a good start and that everything goes well 🙂
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