Proactivity is one of the words that are most often inserted in professional contexts. In the corporate environment, the word is very much associated with people who have the ability to take the initiative to solve problems or develop ideas in the professional sphere.
In selection processes, most managers and interviewers look for proactive people to incorporate their staff. Proactivity is a gift. And like any gift, it can be improved more and more.
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Being a proactive person is not only interesting for you. professional side of each individual, but also affects the personal side of each. a. A proactive person anticipates situations, foresees problems or solutions, and does it. really effort to make something possible.
Some people demonstrate effortless proactivity. Others. they already have to work hard to demonstrate quality.
Someone proactive has some important characteristics e. easy to identify:
It is important not to confuse the two terms as they are one. it means making a difference in the environment and showing yourself prepared to give the. better than himself with guaranteed results, the other performs many tasks to. same time by higher order.
The proactive person does not necessarily need to focus on a thousand. things at the same time to ensure satisfactory results. But when she. focuses on some situation or problem, it actually predicts solutions, ideas and. suggestions for resolving a particular dysfunction.
Generally, professionals who try to be proactive are not. become stagnant. In the current phase of the labor market, the proactive person does not. is waiting for the perfect job to fall from the sky. It updates itself, predicts how. can increase your knowledge and information.
It supplies your resume in ways you can add. values, she stands out from other professionals. A proactive person contributes. for the company's growth. And remember that a manager or boss contributes. a lot for the proactivity of its employees.
Leaders who inspire their employees contribute to. develop the proactive profile of each one, which greatly improves the climate. professional and satisfactory results of a company.
Of course it is important to remember that no professional is. Perfect. Each person carries their own individuality, which makes one. business nucleus is a large anthill, in which each ant has its own. primary role.
Each professional, regardless of their proactive ability, can make a difference within the team, contributing in some way. the professional growth of each one.
Some are proactive towards leadership, others on. factory jobs. Still others know how to be proactive about efficiency. in the developed work, as well as others manage to be proactive presenting. the most satisfying ideas.
It is important to respect this individuality and see the. potential for each aspect of proactivity.
There are several cycles of proactivity related to. each profile. There are people who prefer to “show their faces”, if they play headlong. certain functions and are more effective in their proactivity.
Others are able to make decisions without prior consultation. Or. that is, they know how to act in certain situations without having to depend on. opinion of their managers. This kind of. professional manages to achieve proactivity, although he tends to sin for being. often impulsive.
As already mentioned, in an anthill there are different ones. functions for different types of ants. In a corporate core it is not. different. If a company is staffed by 100% proactive people in all that. do, maybe they don't understand each other. It may be that there are conflicts of. opinions on different points of view.
So that there are balances of roles, it is necessary too. that there are professionals who also submit to orders and perform according to a. song. That is, there are certain types of situations where it should just be. follow business rules and follow rules. Why, balance these types. of profiles in a company is always the best option.
For some, being proactive is a natural skill at its core. For others, this skill can be cultivated. Managers have a direct participation in the professional and proactive growth of their employees, just develop the best of each profile and work on this personality with potential for the proactivity.
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Of course, it is very important to remember that the employee must. first want to be proactive. Not always to blame for non-proactivity. it is up to the company and its managers. No one stops better than every person. recognize your own skills and profiles.
One of the effective ways for a person to develop one. proactive profile is stepping out of your own comfort zone. Search for improvement in. various areas of life, evolving as a person, is one way of demonstrating. proactivity.
And this is not just for the professional scope. O. self-knowledge brings the idea that the person can learn about new activities abroad. of your “square”, that is, thinking “outside the box”. It's important to know those. hobbies, activities and places different from what you are used to.
Within the company, seek activities different from yours. routine can help exercise proactivity. Any new experience can. train the brain to be proactive in different sectors of personal and professional life.
For someone who doesn't have a proactive profile, but wants to. get more proactivity for the day to day, it is important that this professional. daily exercise a different posture than you are used to. Search for new ones. strategies within routine activities themselves, shift focus on. familiar situations and seek ideas, solutions and strategies for problems. within the circle of activities itself, the professional ends up. adhering to this personality more and more in their daily lives.
In the end, being proactive will be so natural that he doesn't. will need to strive to develop such an attitude.
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