Planning is present in almost all of our actions, as it guides the performance of activities and in this post we selected Annual Garden Planning 1.
Class planning is of fundamental importance for achieving success in the teaching-learning process. Its absence can result in monotonous and disorganized classes, triggering students' lack of interest in the content and making classes unstimulating.
Here is the script for how to prepare a lesson plan:
Every class needs a main theme, which must be carefully unfolded. Choose an interesting name that stimulates student interest and make connections with your content.
What do you want to teach your students as you approach a particular subject? With that in mind, it may be easier to point out the specific objectives of each class.
It is at this point that the programmatic content linked to the previously established theme will be defined.
So that you do not get lost in the contents to be passed in the classroom, stipulate a period to address each one of them, so that you can finish your reasoning in a timely manner. Prevent content from accumulating. If your schedule is too long, try to reduce or split it.
To be successful in your classes, define what materials will be used. Check in advance if the school will be able to provide them or if you will have to choose different alternatives.
In order for the topic in question to be well worked out, it is necessary to define the steps to be followed in class. The methodology refers to the paths to be followed by the teacher, with a view to reaching the established objectives.
After the end of the class, it is essential that you recap everything that happened. Write down the unforeseen events, the children's comments, whether your investment was satisfactory or whether you should propose new teaching alternatives. This practice will make you evolve as a professional and improve your teaching over time.
To learn more about how to make your lesson plan, check out the following link: Lesson Plans for Teachers
Also check:
Annual Oral and Written Language Planning Sheet:
Through pictures, drawings, gestures, music, stories and explanations about the meaning of each item, and productions of souvenirs that translate the date in question.
Assessment will be continuous, through daily observation of the child in the performance of their activities, in the relationship with peers and with the teacher.
The assessment instrument is an observation form that will be given to parents every two months.
Assessment will be continuous, through daily observation of the child in the performance of their activities, in the relationship with peers and with the teacher.
The assessment instrument is an observation form that will be given to parents every two months.
- Motor coordination
– Spatial orientation
– Analysis and synthesis
– auditory perception
- Communication
- Red
- Yellow
- Blue
- Green
- Very little
- More less
– Same amount
- Large small
- Bigger, smaller
- Tall short
– long – short
- Thick thin
– wide – narrow
- Far close
- Up down
- Inside Outside
- Open close
- Light heavy
- Full empty
– closed curves
– Open curves
– Circle
- Square
- Triangle
– 0 to 9
- Revision
The classes will be developed in an interaction, using the resources:
With regard to assessment, it should be understood as an instrument for understanding the level of student learning in relation to the concepts studied to skills and abilities developed. This relationship must be continuous so that the educator can perceive the advances and difficulties of the students and, thus, reassess their practice and, if necessary, redirect their actions.
As for individual assessments, it is important to observe the child's performance regarding:
To access the complete “Annual Garden Planning 1” shown above, check out the following link and download it in PDF:
Learning Expectations | Suggestions to be developed |
To know yourself |
To know about yourself: demonstrate bodily and verbally your emotions, interests and preferences. Identify elements that cause fear and seek help to overcome it.To know relate: Communicate with different partners in different groupings: pairs, groups using gestures, expressions and movements.appropriate of social life rules.Accomplish activities, playing with a child with different developmental conditions.Search safety: take the necessary care to protect the body as you handle paints, clays, glues, etc. To take care to protect the body when playing, jumping, jumping, etc. |
learn to relate | To respect the physical and cultural characteristics of your peers when interacting with them.not have gender, racial, or other discrimination, and explaining to colleagues why this is important.Solve doubts and conflicts from dialogue with other children and adults. |
Seek Security | To take precautions to avoid potentially dangerous situations.To take the care necessary to protect the body as it handles, paints, clays, glues, etc. |
Participate in jokes and games |
To participate of cirandas and circle games, singing and making the expected gestures, without having the teacher as a model.Enlarge their repertoire of traditional games: playing at pike, following the master, etc.Mount puzzle with help.reproduce situations of everyday life in make-believe.reproduce does not pretend the actions of a character in a story read.To play singing, dancing, drawing, writing, playing football, etc. To play with puppets. recount the plot of a make-believe that he performed with his colleagues. Ramp up toys with scraps from models. Ramp up houses or sand castles with scraps. Observe: animals and plants, in books, magazines and movies, observing the sounds produced, the presence of beaks and other external physical characteristics, basic care for food, housing and others. |
Learning Expectations | Suggestions to be developed |
Explore oral language: Talk (report, expose, argue, describe) | Use the dynamics of the conversation knowing how to occupy its turn of speech in a dialogue, listening to the other speakers in a collective conversation.Report an orderly succession of facts that make up everyday episodes.To imagine and expound solutions to an issue and communicate them.To argue about a topic the group is talking about.Justify personal opinions on a subject in a dialogue and in a collective communication situation (conversation wheel). |
Communicate in everyday life |
To listen pay attention to what colleagues say in a conversation circle.Express orally your desires, feelings, ideas and thoughts to an audience you converse with.Issue personal opinions on a subject.follow instructions and respond to requests, understanding their contexts of meaning.Report facts that make up everyday episodes, even with the support of resources and/or the teacher. Explain social and/or natural facts and phenomena. To produce orally messages and instructions contextualized in the management of daily life and in children's actions. |
narrate and enjoy | Use elements of the language written in the retelling of narratives.narrate stories using their own expressive resources.recount repetition stories, based on the teacher's narrations.Report jokes.Report everyday facts and express themselves orally with the support of the teacher. |
Writing: in everyday life | Identify writing your own name.To recognize and name the initial letters of your name.To recognize the graphic similarity between the initial of his name and the other initials of colleagues who also have the same letter.To knowuse writing objects present in school culture (crayons, pencils, rubber, play dough, position paper, etc.).risk to write the name in situations where signing is necessary (in the production of drawings) |
Written language and text production |
To know all letters of the alphabet (stick letter without ornaments and drawings).To know sort the letters of the alphabet.Write observing the orientation and alignment that characterize the writing of the Portuguese language.Write using the mobile alphabet, so that children are led to think about the specifics of the alphabetic writing system.Write your name Identify and differentiate the writing of names of other members of the class from a list. Use everyday texts such as notes, announcements, invitations and lists (from birthdays). To locate words in a text that is known by memory, such as sung games, riddles, squares, cartoons, parlendas and other texts from the repertoire of oral tradition. Use knowledge of the writing system to locate a specific name in a list of words in the same semantic field (subtitle in a book index, etc). |
Reading: Develop reader behavior |
Reading aloud (teacher): Read narratives and stories to children making observable the languages proper to this type of text, explaining reader behaviors.Make useof a reader's basic behavior, such as reading from the cover, turning pages successively, and so on.Differentiateoral narrative and story reading.To listen reading stories.List text and image and anticipate meanings when reading comics, cartoons and heroes magazines. Differentiate types of books and name them. To know the different uses and functions of these books. Enjoying and reading for pleasure, offering reading moments, free handling of books. |
Read even if not conventionally | teacher create opportunities for reading different textual genres: parlendas, comics, songs, recipes, etc.Adjust from spoken to written from texts already memorized.To locate words in a text that he knows from memory, such as sung games, riddles, squares, parlendas and other texts from the repertoire of oral tradition.To search for information, in images, from books and encyclopedias on subjects related to plants, human body, animals, among others. |
Learning Expectations | Suggestions to be developed |
explore number |
Recite talks involving numbers.Recite the numerical sequence up to the largest possible number and gradually expand itTo explorequantity in daily games and practices (calendar, distribution of materials, counting objects and people).To explore numerical notations in different contexts: registration of games, control of materials in the room, number of people who go for a snack or a trip, etc.To explore the numerical sequence, considering that it is possible to extend the succession of numbers as much as you like. Consult some numerical references: tape measure, blackboard, number, books with many pages to read and write numbers that have not yet learned to write from memory. To know than the number that comes next in the number series to determine which is larger. Use the numbers you already know to write other numbers, relying on spoken and written numbers. |
explore space and form | To design and interpreting images of objects from different points of view.To describe, interpret the position of objects and people.Identify and explain some characteristics of certain geometric figures and bodies. |
explore measures | Identify notes and coins of the current monetary system.Use banknotes and coins in play contexts: pay give change.Use the unit of time-day, month and year to mark events. |
Learning Expectations | Suggestions to be developed |
Explore the physical and social environment | Observe phenomena and elements of nature present in everyday life and recognize some characteristics - heat produced by the sun, rain, of course dark, hot, cold, relating them to the need for shelter and some basic care: warm up, not be exposed to the sun, close or open window; turn the light on or off.To recognize parts of the body- hand, mouth, nose, etc.To knowsome aspects of life around the school and house-park, shops, market, open market, bakery, etc.Identify some social roles existing in your social group – school and home |
take care of the environment | Save toys and materials in their proper places after using them in activities.To play garbage in proper containers, separating, with the help of the teacher, papers and others. |
Explore and Know |
Observe animals, plants and different types of soils in the environment, close to the surroundings, in video, book and or magazine images and or visiting squares and parks, such as a zoo, comparing their characteristics – in animals: external characteristics, habits, food, habitat, in plants: size, presence and shape of leaf, stem, flower, soil: its moisture, composition etc.Search habits and basic needs of animals and plants in your surroundings and point out the basic care of food and shelter.Analyze and compare the habits and customs of animals from other regions with your own. Realize the transformations that are taking place in your body, loss of teeth, growth.To recognize the elements that make up the landscape where you live. Inquire and recognize relationships of changes and permanence in family customs, in the customs of other cultures and civilizations and in civilizations and/or people close to other times. Identify in photos, reports and other records, some characteristics of the environment and/or people in the place, pointing out similarities and differences with the present time. |
Learning Expectation | Suggestions to be developed |
musical language |
To recognize different physical and sound characteristics of objects and musical instruments.To recognize the sound and knowing the name of some musical instruments.Go along the narrative of stories using objects and musical instruments to sound them.to possess a repertoire of songs and songs, circle games, games, speeches and tongue twisters.Search and build some percussion, wind, string, etc. musical instruments with alternative materials. join by music of different genres, styles, times and cultures. |
Body language | To explore by movement the body itself.To dance coordinating movements with those of the teammates.To dancecreating, imitating and coordinating movements using different materials (handkerchiefs, ball, ribbons etc). |
theatrical language |
To participate of traditional singing games that involve role-playing.Dramatize known stories.To stage stories with dolls and toys, individually or in groups.make and use puppets, puppets and leftover figures.make and using masks in the composition of a character. introduce yourself in theater productions for other children, parents and teachers. be interested by professional theater presentations with objects, puppets, leftovers or actors. be interested by theater performances made by other children with objects, puppets, shadows or actors. |
Visual language | Identify and name the different manifestations of the visual field: photography, cinema, painting, drawing.To recognize some works by artists who were presented to him, being able to express verbally or gesturally his impressions of the work.To demonstrate pleasure and interest in marking various supports with their basic doodles.To recognize its graphic mark among other productions by other children (on the mural in the room or on the observation wheel of the group's productions). |
As for the Assessment of Learning to CEMEI is careful to follow the guidelines of the Laws and Regulations of Brazilian Early Childhood Education, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education and the Law on Education Guidelines and Bases National.
These documents suggest the monitoring and recording of child development, without the objective of promotion.
So the EMEI pedagogical team has performed a procedural and formative evaluation.
procedural: evaluates the children's path, checking how they are evolving, without trying to classify them. But observe how they relate to adults and other children, how they spend the day, what they like and don't they like to play, what they like to eat and how they like to sleep, how they develop activities in the classroom. class.
The teacher observes and makes the written record in his class diary, also evaluates the children's productions through portfolios and individual records.
It is formative because it allows the teacher to review all the steps in the planning of the teaching and learning process, as the assessment does not only take place at the end of the work is a permanent task of the teacher, an indispensable instrument for the constitution of a pedagogical and educational practice committed to the development of kid.
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