THE routine is an important element of Child education, for providing the child with feelings of stability and security, and in this post we have selected some (illustrative cards) posters for the routine of early childhood education, ready to print.
THE Early Childhood Education routine tit also provides the child with greater ease in spatiotemporal organization, and frees them from the feeling of stress that an unstructured routine can cause. However, as we have seen, routine does not need to be rigid, with no room for invention (on the part of teachers and children). On the contrary, the routine can be rich, happy and pleasurable, providing space for the daily construction of the educational-political project of the institution of Early Childhood Education.
See too: What to do on the first day of class? Tips and Fun
In a way, yes. This does not mean, however, that teachers and staff need to control everything that children do during the school term, but they must have places and activities planned for each time.
Think about this: in a kindergarten class of 20 children, not everyone will feel sleepy at the same time. If one or two refuse to sleep, the teacher cannot be taken by surprise – the ideal is to have an area with books and comic books, toys or other materials they can use until the rest of the class wake up. You don't need to design a guided activity, just provide adequate supervision for both those taking a nap and those playing.
A good schedule should include a time of arrival, with a welcome for children (like the construction of the calendar we saw above), guided activities (those with greater teacher orientation, with previously defined learning objectives), free activities (but always in a delimited space and with supervision) and moments of personal care (having a snack, washing hands and brushing teeth, putting on shoes before going home, etc.) and closure.
It's important that the class understand that they don't have to cry to leave the playground, because they'll be back the next day, that you don't need to be afraid to be left at school, because parents always look for her at the end of the routine, and so against. (Source:
The following routine forms were prepared by “Alice Lima” and made available on their “Slide Share” website profile
To access the “Posters for routine Early Childhood Education – To print” shown above, check out the following link and download it in PDF:
welcome – at this point keep your students safe, they need to understand that the classroom is a cool place, full of cool things to do. Smile, wish you a good day, be affectionate (a). At this point, ask the children to put away the material.
Wheel - on the wheel is one of the moments you will have to work on orality. Let the kids talk and share news, read books, ask about news. This is a great time to make children aware of what will happen during the lesson.
Homework – value this moment, praise the children who did the task and encourage those who didn't, taking care not to expose the student. Then, at the time of the agenda, leave a message for the child's parents. But be careful! Messages for parents must be careful not to cause any misunderstandings.
Room Activity – you will teach your class according to what was planned.
Snack time - guide children about hygiene, washing their hands.
Brushing - this habit is of paramount importance, encourage the children.
Playground - at this time, take the opportunity to observe your students and intervene in their conflicts when necessary.
Relaxation - a song, a story on cd, playing with play dough, choose a calm activity. Let the children calm down and then put away their materials. This is a great time to fill in agendas.
Routine is fundamental for the organization of daily activities in different educational institutions. In the case of Early Childhood Education, in addition to the organizational aspect of day care centers and preschools, it promotes children's safety and autonomy.
The teacher who works at this level of education can organize the routine of his class from different moments, such as: circle time, activity time, snack time, hygiene time, play time and extra-class activities time.
We believe that the school routine cannot be treated in a mechanical way, on the contrary, every activity developed and the schedules and determined spaces for carrying out the actions should be planned in order to favor the pedagogical work and the needs of the kids.
Therefore, we hope that this article promotes a rethink about the work that is developed in the Early Childhood Education and can contribute to a reflection on the routines established in these institutions.
A big hug, and see you in the next post
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