We selected in this post several ideas and templates ready for your Brazil independence project for early series (Early Education and Elementary School).
Brazil's Independence Day is celebrated on the day September 7, 1822, date that became known for the episode of “Grito do Ipiranga”.
the history of independence of Brazilit can be described by a long four-year process, from 1821 to 1825. This period of governmental change was characterized by constant violence, which highlighted the Kingdom of Portugal and the Kingdom of Brazil.
Methodology by class: each class will be in charge of delivering their methodology, which will be attached to the project.
Brazil's Independence Project for Early Childhood Education
Our land has become independent! (Get students to recognize the meaning of this word). Have you ever heard the National Anthem? It was composed by Duque Estrada and Francisco Manoel da Silva, to record Independence Day.
1- Search, in newspapers and magazines, cut and bring to the classroom, images of things you would not like to see in your country and, with the teacher's help, set up a mural with the phrase:
2- Let's listen to an excerpt from the National Anthem and then draw, on a letter sheet, an illustration that shows what you liked most about that part of the Anthem.
3- Present the Symbols of our Homeland: Brazilian Flag, National Anthem, Seals and Weapons.
4- Present the Independence Anthem.
Brazil's Independence Project for Elementary Education
One of the school's functions is to contribute to the formation of critical and active citizens in society, and this happens when it teaches and practices in their day-to-day values, customs, knowledge that led the student to acquire conditions to carry out such formation. Based on this assumption, we develop projects in the school and community that aim to achieve this and other goals, also linked to human and social formation of the student, as well as taking this knowledge to the community, as a way of cultural and intellectual enrichment.
Thus, the importance of the referent project consists. Not only to celebrate a civic date, or to comply with the proposal of the municipal school calendar, but rather, inform, train, bring knowledge, update information, make the student and their community grow in knowledge and values.
O “Brazilian independence project”, is justified by the need to value, with students and community, Brazil as a country diversified from its human formation, its riches, its natural beauty, its history of "Independence" on critical views and builders of new knowledge, in addition to the book teaching can offer, but recognizing such diversity in the student himself, in his family, his community, his city, his state and, finally, his parents. The theme “The School proclaiming the Independence of Brazil”, intends to reflect on independence from the place where the student is, its school, its values, its customs, its social practices, and even the Brazil not only of independence, but the Brazil of the days current. A fact that does not escape history, nor the main objective of this civic date so important for the Brazilians, in their participation as subjects of that country, whether in the countryside, cities or others places.
Brazil independence project for initial series
The celebration of the “Week of the Motherland” is essential in our schools, as it provides the teacher with the opportunity to:
Reading Wheel: Conversations and discussions about:
September Activities
Jogral: Independence of Brazil
Hat Folding: Children can make the hat and the sword to present the jester.
folding the sword
Visor template to print
Coloring Cover
We also recommend: Projects and Pedagogical Tips on the Independence of Brazil.
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