We've gathered in this post several suggestions for Children's Day messages, phrases and texts.
Excellent suggestions for cards, tributes on social media, school activities, murals and panels, among others.
Celebrated annually in Brazil, the Children's Day is celebrated on the day October 12th. This date was created in order to make people aware of children's rights.
This date celebrates the children's rights and adolescents, a right that was granted in 1989 when the united nations adopted the convention on the rights of the child. ratified, must ensure all children without distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, ethnic origin - Access to certain rights basic.
At this time of year it is common to see teachers working on children's day (CHILDREN'S RIGHT) helping to make people (STUDENTS) aware of the necessary care during this stage of life.
Today we will all be children again
For eternal children:
Being a child is being happy:
What it's like to be a child:
For all children:
Being a child is eating cotton candy and getting smeared.
To be a child is to believe in a pink world, full of popcorn.
It is to be unforgettably happy with very little.
It's becoming a giant in the face of gigantic little obstacles.
Being a child is making friends before you even know their names.
It's being able to forgive so much easier than fighting.
Being a child is having the happiest day of your life, every day.
To be a child is to be hand in hand with life in the best of intentions.
It's believing in the present moment with everything it offers, it's accepting the new and wanting the most. Being a child is crying without knowing why.
Being a child is being in a constant stage of learning, it is wanting to seek and discover truths without the armor of doubt.
To be a child is to look and not see the danger.
To be a child is to have a frank laugh spread across your face, even on a rainy day, it is to love lying down on the grass, seeing figures in the clouds and creating stories.
Being a child is putting your nose to the window and watching the day outside.
It's like enjoying ice cream cones, chocolate cake, running your fingertip on the meringue.
Being a child is believing, hoping, trusting.
And it's having the courage to not be afraid.
Being a child is wanting to be happy.
Being a child is knowing how to wrap up disappointments and open little boxes of surprises.
To be a child is to smile and make people smile.
Being a child is always having a question on the tip of your tongue and wanting all the answers.
Being a child is mixing ice cream with television, a computer that smells like a flower, a bird with chewing gum, tears with smiles.
Being a child is making mistakes and not accepting the mistake.
Being a child is living in a fantasy country, living surrounded by imaginary characters, liking someone who looks you in the eye and speaks softly.
Being a child is to ask with the eyes.
Being a child is enjoying sitting at the window and hating bedtime.
Being a child is singing out of tune and laughing if someone corrects you.
Being a child is being able to forgive and numb the pain with a dose of genuine and peculiar wisdom.
Being a child is walking confidently along difficult and unknown paths, eager to unravel mysteries. Being a child is believing that everything is possible.
To be a child is to enjoy games, dreams, the impossible.
Child is knowing nothing and being able to do everything.
To be a child is to hate clocks and appointments.
It's having little patience and a lot of hurry.
And being a child is also being the adult who has never forgotten the child he once was. (Text by: Gilberto dos Reis)
See too:children's day souvenir
From the time I still
played in the street with hopscotch,
From the time when the gaze was seen
innocence and the will to live,
Of pure smiles and such beautiful dreams.Longing,
The messes, the mischief
and even the slaps that mom gave,
when I discovered some
“art” made by me…Good times for children!
Time when everything was a joke,
everything was joy
Time that never comes back,
So, only memories,
from that time as a child
That the years bring no more
And what I miss,
is in charge of saving
with so much affection and love
Inside the heart...
I bet you got up today
earlier so the day could be
a little longer, wasn't it?It is clear!
Today is children's day and this day,
you don't give up.Open the presents, the bonbons,
the sweets, at last, everything there is
of yummy to be enjoyed.It's not for nothing,
but you are growing too fast.
Swear you don't even like carts
and children's songs, but I,
I particularly doubt it.It's stamped on your smile
how much you like to have fun.
So, enjoy children's day today,
your day, but when mom
send you to study, go running.Do you know why? because studying
we learn to be happy
and making others happy.Happy Children's Day!
In the hands of children, the world becomes a fairy tale, because in the innocence of a child's smile, everything is possible, except evil.
Children are angels, they are pieces of God who fell from heaven to bring us the living light that will resurrect the truth that lives hidden in each one of us.
With open arms the child does not cultivate enemies, his sadness is momentary. With open eyes, the child does not see the ugly, the different, he just accepts the way of being of each one who directs his path. With attentive ears, the child likes to hear everything as if the sounds were mixed together forming a sweet vitamin of voices, voices that he could imitate, be inspired to grow.
Questioning, playing, the child is always evolving, finding this world a paradise, but the child knows inside what love is and you want to suck it as if it were your only food, don't give it a bottle of hate, because surely its contamination would be fatal and unforgettable.
Child reminds me: color, love, rainbow, roses, brigadeiro candy, color paints: red, orange, blue, yellow. Reminds me of waterfall, birds, party day...
To be a child is to be at peace with life, it is to have all the energy of the Universe in you!
I bet you got up earlier today, so the day could be a little longer, didn't you?
It is clear! Today is Children's Day and on this day, you don't give up.
It only opens the presents, the bonbons, the sweets, everything that is delicious to be enjoyed.
It's not for nothing, but you're growing up really fast. He swears he doesn't even like toy cars and children's songs, but I particularly doubt it.
It's stamped on your smile how much you like to have fun. So, enjoy children's day today, your day, but when Mom sends you to study, go running.
Do you know why? Because studying, we learn to be happy and to make others happy.
Happy Children's Day!
Enjoy this wonderful phase!
How to be a child was good. Pains were just from a bruised knee, or a knock from the mother in a slipper. How good it was to run around without worrying about what's next tomorrow. I made every child's nonsense that today I don't regret being as happy as I was. And where I slept on the couch and woke up in bed, and afterward I asked myself "how did I get here?" I woke up 6 hours to watch my drawings. To be a child is to smile and make people smile, to be a child is to be happy, to be free without worries. But it also doesn't mean that just because you grew up that you are no longer a child. Yes you are, you may not even notice it anymore, deep inside you, there is a child who went through several things, and was happy. To be a child is to dream in wonderland, to be smeared with weeds. Being a child is a good side of life. We never stopped being children, we dream, we imagine wonderful things. As I miss running on the sidewalk, falling, playing, I laugh without caring what others might think. It felt so good to live a life without malice, without fear of making mistakes. But the nostalgia is good, because I know how happy I was, and how much I'll still be.
Pains were just from a bruised knee, or a knock from the mother in a slipper. How good it was to run around without worrying about what's next tomorrow. I made every child's nonsense that today I don't regret being as happy as I was. And where I slept on the couch and woke up in bed, and afterward I asked myself "how did I get here?" I woke up 6 hours to watch my drawings. To be a child is to smile and make people smile, to be a child is to be happy, to be free without worries. But it also doesn't mean that just because you grew up that you are no longer a child. Yes you are, you may not even notice it anymore, deep inside you, there is a child who went through several things, and was happy. To be a child is to dream in wonderland, to be smeared with weeds. Being a child is a good side of life. We never stopped being children, we dream, we imagine wonderful things. As I miss running on the sidewalk, falling, playing, I laugh without caring what others might think. It felt so good to live a life without malice, without fear of making mistakes. But the nostalgia is good, because I know how happy I was, and how much I'll still be.
Beatriz Nepomuceno
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