Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the accessory terms of prayer. Adverbial adjunct, adnominal adjunct and bet! Let's review these terms in the text about the John Needham? To do so, answer the various questions proposed!
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English scientist John Tuberville Needham had to leave the country (a Protestant nation that had just emerged from a period of great religious turmoil) to study and become a Catholic priest. At the seminar, he had contact with natural history and was fascinated by microscopy. In 1745, he published a work that included his observations on different types of pollen, which earned him the respect of botanists.
While studying microscopy in Paris, he met the French naturalist Georges Buffon, who introduced him to the ideas of the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz. From Leibniz's monads (living molecules), Needham developed the theory of the vegetative force that united all these molecules. He then developed his experiences in spontaneous generation, which brought him into confrontation with Voltaire and Spallanzani.
Needham was also known for his works on religion. For his scientific work, he was the first Catholic priest to become a member of the Royal Society, the oldest British scientific society, in 1768. In the same year he moved to Brussels, Belgium, becoming director of the Academy of Sciences. He died in Brussels in 1781.
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Question 1 - Highlight the adverbial adjunct in this period of the text:
“At the seminar, he had contact with natural history and was fascinated by microscopy.”
Question 2 - In the period above, the adverbial adjunct indicates a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) time.
( ) intensity.
Question 3 - In “[…] the French naturalist Georges Buffon […]”, there is the bet:
( ) “naturalist”.
( ) "French".
( ) “Georges Buffon”.
Question 4 - Point out the sentence in which the underlined pronoun works as an adnominal adjunct:
( ) “[…] published a work that included your comments […]"
( ) "[…] what you earned the respect of botanists.”
( ) "[…] what O pitted against Voltaire and Spallanzani.”
Question 5 - In the fragment “While studying microscopy in Paris […]”, the adverbial modifies the meaning of:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) an adverb.
Question 6 – In the sentence “[…] united all these molecules.”, the adjuncts were used to:
( ) resume.
( ) advertise.
( ) complementary.
Question 7 – Note the highlighted part below:
“[…] Royal Society, the oldest British scientific society, […]”
The part highlighted above works as a bet because:
( ) characterizes a being.
( ) explains an expression.
( ) expresses a circumstance.
Question 8 – In the paragraph that closes the text, the adverbial tense adjunct "In the same year" refers to the adverbial adjunct:
( ) “In 1745”.
( ) “in 1768”.
( ) “in 1781”.
Question 9 – The evidenced term is an adjunct adnominal in the passage:
( ) “THE from Leibniz's monads (living molecules) […]"
( ) “[…] Needham developed The theory about the vegetative force […]"
( ) “[…] he was the first Catholic priest The become a member […]”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.