Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, explores the reflective voice of the verb. Can you identify it? No? Then answer the questions based on the text. What are spots for? Are you curious?
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They have no function! Spots form from the multiplication of cells that produce melanin, pigmentation that gives color to the skin. They appear at any age (they even exist at birth), because of genetic factors or in those who have the habit of exposing themselves to the sun, without sunscreen. Attention is needed: some moles pose no danger and others can be malignant (those that turn into skin cancer). If the mole is irregular in shape, varied in color, or if it grows and changes very quickly, talk to your parents about seeing a doctor.
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Question 1 - In “Pints are formed from the multiplication of cells that produce melanin, pigmentation that gives color to the skin.”, a verb was used in the reflective voice. Tick it:
( ) "form"
( ) "produce"
( ) "from the"
Question 2 - Identify the phrase in which the “if” indicates the use of the reflexive voice of the verb:
( ) “[…] those that turn into skin cancer […]”
( ) "If the spot has an irregular shape […]"
( ) “[…] varied color or if it grows […]”
Question 3 - In the passage “[…] who has the habit of exposing themselves to the sun […]”, the subject of the verb in the reflective voice is:
( ) a personal pronoun
( ) an indefinite pronoun
( ) a demonstrative pronoun
Question 4 – The verb in the reflective voice, which makes up the passage in the previous question, indicates:
( ) a state of the subject.
( ) an action of the subject.
( ) a feeling of the subject.
Question 5 - In the phrase "Thank God, the spot has not changed!", the verb in the reflective voice "changed" was inflected in the mood:
( ) subjunctive, as it expresses a hypothesis.
( ) imperative, as it expresses a plea.
( ) indicative, as it expresses a certainty.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.