Portuguese activity, aimed at 7th grade students, proposes the study of impersonal verb, through a text that tells us about the transformations that occurred in the manufacture of the soccer ball.
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Did you know that in Egyptian tombs, about 2,000 years before Christ, there were already drawings that represented people playing ball? The models varied widely according to time and place. In ancient Japan, soccer balls were made from bamboo fibers. The Chinese wore animal manes, while the Romans used leather straps and bird feathers. Currently, there are leather balls and plastic balls of different types, sizes and colors for each sport.
Recreio Magazine. São Paulo: April, October 2001, year 2, nº 83.
Question 1 - According to the text, soccer ball models varied according to time and place. In this sense, list:
Location: Materials used in the manufacture of the soccer ball:
old japan
old china
ancient rome
current world
Question 2 - In “The models varied quite according to time and place.”, the highlighted term indicates the idea of:
a) intensity
b) mode
c) place
d) time
Question 3 - Identify the passage in which the underlined verb has no subject, that is, it is impersonal:
to you you knew that in Egyptian tombs […]"
b) “[…] already there was drawings that represented people playing ball?”
c) "The models varied quite according to time and place.”
d) “[…] the soccer balls they were made with bamboo fibers.”
Question 4 – The phrase “The Chinese wore animal manes, while the Romans wore leather straps […]” was correctly rewritten in the passage:
a) “The Chinese used animal manes, since the Romans used leather straps […]”
b) “The Chinese used animal manes, as the Romans used leather straps […]”
c) “The Chinese used animal manes, but the Romans used leather straps […]”
d) “The Chinese wore animal manes, while the Romans used leather straps […]”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.