Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the cascudo. He is strong. Your body is covered in bony plates. Likes to live amidst the currents of streams located in mountain areas of the Atlantic Forest. And did you know that this fish has a habit of “grazing underwater”? Like this? Shall we find out more about the husk? So, carefully read the text “He grazes underwater”! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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He is strong. Your body is covered in bony plates. He likes to live amid the currents of streams located in mountain areas of the Atlantic Forest. Much of his time, he spends grazing at the bottom of these streams. Oops! Oops! Oops! Everything was going very well, but this thing about grazing underwater…
Well, dear reader, as strange as it may seem, we are talking about a fish that has the habit of grazing. To put it better, it uses its big, wide mouth full of mute teeth to scrape the algae that grow at the bottom of these waterways. In this movement, it also manages to capture some aquatic insects, another food item.
That's the life of the husk Pareiorhapis garbei, rare and endangered species!
Males and females of this species are quite different. The male has long spines on the side of the head and at the beginning of the pectoral fins, which are not found in females. Regarding reproduction, researchers know so little about this species that they haven't even discovered the time of year the females spawn.
In the Macaé River, one of the few places where it is found, this shellfish faces a great threat to its survival: the company of rainbow trout. These exotic fish – that is, which originally do not belong to our fauna – are voracious predators and, therefore, pose a danger to the shellfish.
Jean Carlos Miranda, Sérgio Maria Queiroz Lima and Henrique Lazzarotto. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 249. Available in: .
Question 1 - Point out the purpose of the text:
( ) tell a story about the shellfish.
( ) provide explanations about the shellfish.
( ) announce a discovery about the shellfish.
Question 2 - The authors of the text describe the shell in the segment:
( ) "Your body is covered with bony plates."
( ) “He likes to live amidst the currents of streams […]”
( ) “[…] can also capture some aquatic insects […]”
Question 3 - In the passage “Oops! Oops! Oops! Everything was going very well, but this story of grazing underwater…”, the interjection “Oops!” expresses:
( ) animation with the fact that the shell “grazes under water”.
( ) disbelief with the fact that the husk “grazed under water”.
( ) disappointment with the fact that the husk “grazed underwater”.
Question 4 – Reread this text fragment:
"Explaining it better, it uses its big, wide mouth full of mute teeth to scrape the algae that grow at the bottom of these waterways."
In the fragment above, the term “to” introduces:
( ) a condition.
( ) a purpose.
( ) a conclusion.
Question 5 - Read what it says about the shell:
I. The cascudo is found exclusively in the Macaé river.
II. Female catfish do not have pectoral fins.
III. Algae and some aquatic insects are part of the catfish's diet.
What is stated in:
( ) I.
( ) III.
( ) II and III.
Question 6 – In “That's the life of the husk Pareiorhapis garbei, rare and endangered species!”, the authors used italics to highlight:
( ) a little known expression.
( ) an expression of foreign origin.
( ) an incorrectly written expression.
Question 7 – According to the text, rainbow trout threaten the life of the shellfish because:
( ) “researchers know so little about this species”.
( ) “originally they do not belong to our fauna”.
( ) “they are voracious predators”.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.