Science activity, suitable for students in the fourth and fifth years of elementary school, with questions about Water.
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Water is essential for the development of all living things. Animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms have water in their cells, so they need it to live. About 60% of the human body is made up of water. Without this natural resource there is no life. That's why water is so important in the balance of all ecosystems.
In addition to being essential for our body, we use water in many daily activities. We use water for food, personal hygiene, industrial production, leisure etc.
Water covers about 70% of the Earth's surface. In nature, it is possible to find it in three physical states: gaseous, solid and liquid. In different environments, water changes continuously from one state to another, what we call the water cycle or hydrological cycle.
Water can be fresh or salty. The water we use for drinking, bathing, brushing teeth and watering crops is fresh water. Salt water is one that contains a large amount of mineral salts and is unsuitable for us to drink, like sea water.
The distribution of fresh and salt water is not equal. About 96% of the water on the planet is in the oceans and is salty. Only 4% of all water on Earth is fresh.
Buriti more science. Publisher: Modern.
1) What proportion of water is the human body made of?
2) How much of the planet is water?
3) In which physical states can we find water in nature?
4) What do we call the change in water states in nature?
5) Give two examples of the use of water on a daily basis:
6) Name two examples of recreational uses of water:
7) Give two examples of how we use water to obtain food:
8) What is the distribution of fresh and salt water on the planet?
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