Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the Rá-Tim-Bum Castle. Once upon a time there was a castle located in the middle of São Paulo, inhabited by witches, talking creatures and a 300 year old child. Are we going to remember or get to know the Rá-Tim-Bum Castle, a children's program that has enchanted generations? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Once upon a time there was a castle located in the middle of São Paulo, inhabited by witches, talking creatures and a 300 year old child.
Produced and exhibited by TV Cultura between May 9, 1994 and December 24, 1997, Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum is considered a reference and one of the – if not O – most successful children's programs ever produced by television Brazilian. Created by playwright Flávio de Souza and director Cao Hamburguer, with scripts by Dionísio Jacob (Tacus), Cláudia Dalla Verde, Bosco Brasil, Anna Muylaert, and Jésus Sêda dolls, the series had 90 episodes and 1 special, divided into 4 seasons.
The main characters were: Nino (played by Cassio Scapin), a sorcerer's apprentice who never went to school, even though he was 300 years old; Dr. Victor (played by Sergio Mamberti), Nino's uncle, also a sorcerer and scientist; and Morgana (played by Rosi Campos), Nino's great-aunt and 6,000-year-old witch. They all live in the castle, where animals and supernatural objects that have a life of their own and speak also live.
Sad for not having friends, Nino uses a spell he learned from Uncle Victor to attract three children to the Castle: Pedro (Luciano Amaral), Biba (Cinthya Rachel) and Zequinha (Freddy Állan). From there, together, they live several adventures and discoveries.
Approaching different themes, the stories were built as if they were fairy tales. To these narratives were added the frameworks of the program, which stimulated discussions about the environment, science, proper nutrition and others, all in a very playful way.
To this day, the characters' phrases and songs echo in the heads of generations who grew up watching the program and now pass it on to the younger ones. Who doesn't remember the watch announcement “Attention, attention: it's time for Dr. Victor to arrive. Dr. Victor is coming. Dr. Victor has arrived!”? Or of the Porter's striking phrase “Klift, Kloft, Still … the door opened”? Who never sang in the shower “Bye laziness. Bye dirt. Goodbye smell of sweat, oooh!” or before eating a meal “Uma. Wash the other one. Wash a hand!”?
The educational character has always placed the castle of the imaginary world at the service of the real world.
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Question 1 - Identify the subject of the text:
( ) a children's movie.
( ) a children's theater show.
( ) a children's television program.
Question 2 - According to the text, "Nino uses a spell he learned from Uncle Victor to attract three children to the Castle", because:
( ) is a 300-year-old sorcerer.
( ) never attended school.
( ) lived sad for not having friends.
Question 3 - In “[…] they live various adventures and discoveries.”, “they” refers to whom?
Question 4 - In the segment “[…] the stories were built as if they were fairy tales.”, the word “how” introduces:
( ) An example.
( ) a condition.
( ) a comparison.
Question 5 - In the passage “[…] the tables of the program, which stimulated discussions about the environment, science, food […]”, the underlined verb expresses:
( ) an action by the staff of the “Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum” program.
( ) a status of the frames of the program “Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum”.
( ) a characteristic of the paintings of the “Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum” program.
Question 6 – Highlight the expression that indicates a time circumstance below:
“To this day, the characters' phrases and songs echo in the heads of generations […]”
Question 7 – Justify the use of quotation marks in the penultimate paragraph of the text:
Question 8 – The author ends the text with:
( ) an evaluation of the “Rá-Tim-Bum Castle”.
( ) a description of the “Rá-Tim-Bum Castle”.
( ) a hypothesis about the “Rá-Tim-Bum Castle”.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.