activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text A princess lightweight.
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Once, the king and queen threw a feast in order to celebrate the birth of their dear little princess. They invited everyone but the king's wicked sister. However, she arrived brusquely and cast a spell on the little princess, that she would never suffer the effect of gravity.
The poor little princess spent her early years floating in the air and had to keep herself on the ground with ribbons! The king and queen were terrified that a mighty wind would take her away one day. As the princess grew up, she learned to swim and gained back the effect of gravity on water!
One day, while swimming in the forest river, a young prince saw her and thought she was drowning, so he dived in to save her. The princess was very surprised and firmly told the prince that she didn't need to be saved! A princess who didn't need to be saved? The young prince was perplexed to find someone so rare and fell in love with the princess immediately. His love broke the spell and together they lived happily ever after.
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What was the reason for the feast?
4) What did the king's sister do? Because?
5) What was the fear of the princess's parents?
6) What did the princess discover she could do?
7) What happened when the prince saw the princess in the water?
8) What did the princess say to the prince?
9) What made the princess different from the others?
10) How was the spell broken?
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