activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text O Cavaleiro Pedro.
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Pedro the horse was the oldest animal on the farm, and all the other animals respected him very much. The farmer relied on Pedro to help him with various tasks, such as taking the goods to the city and helping to collect the herd.
“You are the farmer's favorite animal, Pedro,” said the pig.
– What is it, friend! I just like to help,” replied the horse.
But things changed after the farmer bought a newer horse. The rookie went on to do all these tasks, and Pedro was very sad.
- Don't be like that, Peter. You're a great horse and now you'll be able to enjoy your free time to walk around the farm's fields – consoled the pig.
- You're right! It's just that I liked to do chores with the farmer – the horse vented.
Days later, already more resigned, Pedro was surprised when the farmer put the saddle on him and simply went out for a walk. Pedro understood that, from then on, he would only be the farmer's walking companion and would never stop being a special horse.
180 stories for fun.
Publisher: Ciranda Cultural.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who are the main characters in the story?
4) Who was the oldest animal on the farm?
5) Why did the pig say that Peter was the farmer's favorite animal?
6) What happened when the youngest horse arrived?
7) How did the horse Pedro feel when the other horse arrived?
8) A few days later what did the farmer do?
9) What did the horse understand after walking with the farmer?
10) Illustrate the story:
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