Portuguese activity for students in the seventh year of elementary school. The first step comes with a short text created by Professor André Martins to contextually complete the use of the whys, in the second and last moment, there are didactic phrases to reinforce the use of the most used whys. Take a peek at the activity!
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There was a really cool school, in a country town, where the kids were very happy. Once, when they were laughing a lot in the classroom, a teacher came in and asked:
(text author: www.andremartinsprofessor.com.br)
1. The correct whys to spell the spaces above are, in this order:
a) why – because
b) why – why
c) why – why
d) why – why
e) why – why
2. Fill in the spaces with the correct spelling of the whys:
1)_______________ Barbara didn't come to the party?
2) Barbara didn't come to the _______________ party?
3)_______________Are the students happy?
4) Are the students happy _______________?
5) No one came to class, _____________ it was a holiday.
6) Fernando didn't do the work, ____________ didn't have a pen.
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of exams for public examinations and is a content creator for the Portal www.acessaber.com.br.
At answers are in the link above the header.