Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses transitive verbs. Let's analyze the verbs that require complement in the text Why do cats lick themselves? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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This is an ancient custom that began as a form of defense. In the past, after every meal, cats licked their bodies to remove leftovers and smells from food so as not to attract predators. Currently, this habit only serves ________ the kitty's hygiene: licking cleans the body, as their tongue has special bristles.
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Question 1 - Underline the following transitive verb:
“This is an ancient custom that began as a form of defense.”
Question 2 – The italicized verb above is indirect transitive because it required a complement with a preposition. Locate this preposition:
Question 3 – Watch:
“In the past, after every meal, cats would lick their bodies to get rid of leftovers […]”
In this passage of the text, the verb “lick” is:
( ) direct transitive.
( ) transitive indirect.
( ) transitive direct and indirect.
Question 4 – In “Currently, this habit only serves ________ the hygiene of the kitty […]”, the transitive verb requires the preposition:
( ) "with".
( ) "for".
( ) "about".
Question 5 – The complement of a direct transitive verb is called a direct object. Identify the object of the following verbs:
“[…] the licks clean the body, as their tongue has special bristles.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.