Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about verbs in the present tense. Let's analyze this verb tense in the text How is honey made? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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Bees gather nectar from flowers and turn it into honey. The taste of honey depends on the type of flower from which the nectar was taken. Clear honeys ______ milder taste. The dark ones, made from wildflowers, are stronger and have more protein.
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Question 1 – Underline the verb in the present tense below:
“Bees gather nectar from flowers […]”
Question 2 – The underlined verb above refers to:
( ) to the 1st person plural.
( ) to the 2nd person plural.
( ) to the 3rd person plural.
Question 3 – Watch:
“[…] and turn it into honey.”
In this passage, the pronoun functions as:
( ) subject of the verb in the present tense.
( ) direct object of the verb in the present tense.
( ) indirect object of the verb in the present tense.
Question 4 – Complete the space with “have” or “have”:
“The clear honeys ______ milder taste.”
Question 5 – In “The dark ones […] are stronger and have more protein.”, the verbs in the present tense make up:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 6 – In the text, the verbs in the present tense express certainties, as they are in the mood:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.