Portuguese activity in order to help student learning by setting the correct way to use each of the whys.
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1) Complete with (why, why, why or why) according to what is requested:
a) I want to know _______________ you are like this. (indirect question)
b) It was approved and does not know __________________. (for what reason)
c) ______________ is so happy. (direct question)
d) Vitória was not the party ______________________ does not have a dress. (explanation)
e) Ignore the __________________ of their choice. (the reason = noun)
f) The paths _________________ I have walked are difficult. (by which)
g) Didn't come to college _________________ ride? (question proposing an answer)
h) Did not travel, _______________ had no money. (because) (explanation)
i) _______________ do people keep fighting? (direct question)
j) Did not travel _____________? (questioning phrase)
k) He traveled _____________ was called to a party. (once)
l) She must be at school ______________ is on time. (answer)
m) The mother wants a ____________ from so much crying. (substantive)
n) Ana did not come to class ______________ does not have a notebook. (because)
o) Many complained, but there was no ________________. (for what reason)
2) Complete the sentences below with why, why, why or why:
a) _________________ Does anyone laugh now?
b) Vitor didn't learn, _______________?
c) I walked away ______________ no one wanted to listen.
d) Is the baby scared, _____________ ?
e) Here's why _____________ I won.
f) I think I'll get it right _____________ I studied a lot.
g) _____________ do children scream so much?
h) The teacher wants to know _____________ I missed.
i) John, _______________ are you sad?
j) What is the ________________ of your joy?
k) Have I already counted the difficulties ________________ I have gone through?
l) Pedro goes to work, _____________ needs it.
m) _______________ are you so far apart?
n) Are you in a great hurry _______________?
o) There is no _____________ crying. Life is Beautiful.
p) You're going to have to give me some ________________!
q) You are going to travel _____________ got good grades.
r) He didn't come, ______________ it rained a lot.
s) I don't see _____________ changing.
At answers are in the link above the header.