Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, explores the conjunctions. They play an important role in connecting the ideas that make up a text, did you know? Therefore, we invite you to study them in the short story way to love, written by Carlos Drummond de Andrade!
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The gardener was talking to the flowers and they got used to the dialogue. He spent mornings telling things to a harpsichord or listening to what was entrusted to him by a geranium. The sunflower didn't like his face much, either because he wasn't a handsome man, or because sunflowers are proud of nature.
In vain the gardener tried to capture his graces, for the sunflower even turned against the light so as not to see the face that smiled at him. It was a pretty embarrassing situation that the other flowers didn't comment on. Never, however, did the gardener fail to water the sunflower plant and to renew its soil in due course.
The owner of the garden thought that his employee wasted a lot of time standing in front of the flower beds, apparently doing nothing. And he sent him away, after signing his work card.
After the gardener left, the flowers became sad and reproached themselves because they hadn't induced the sunflower to change its attitude. The saddest of all was the sunflower, which couldn't accept the man's absence. "You treated him badly, now are you sorry?" “No, he replied, I'm sad ____________ now I can't treat him badly. It's my way of loving, he knew that, and he liked it”.
ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. "Stories for the King". Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1997.
Question 1 - In the fragment “I spent mornings telling things to a harpsichord or listening to what a geranium entrusted to him.”, the conjunction “or” indicates:
a) the alternating actions of the gardener.
b) the actions of the gardener that complement each other.
c) the opposing gardener's actions.
d) the actions of the gardener that are justified.
Question 2 - Underline the conjunction that makes up this passage of text:
“In vain did the gardener try to capture her graces, as the sunflower even turned around […]”
Question 3 - In the period “Never, however, did the gardener fail to water the sunflower plant and to renew the land, in due course.”, the conjunction “however” expresses:
a) a concession
b) a caveat
c) a compensation
d) a contrast
Question 4 – In the excerpt “[…] the flowers were sad and reproached themselves […]”, the conjunction “and” unites:
a) two actions of flowers.
b) a way of being and an action of flowers.
c) two characteristics of flowers.
d) a state and action of flowers.
Question 5 - The space pointed out in the text was correctly filled in the sentence:
a) “[…] I'm sad now because I can't treat him badly.”
b) “[…] I'm sad now because I can't treat him badly.”
c) “[…] I'm sad now because I can't treat him badly.”
d) “[…] I'm sad now because I can't treat him badly.”
Question 6 – The conjunction, present in the sentence marked above, introduces:
a) a conclusion
b) an addition
c) a condition
d) an explanation
Question 7 – In the segment “The owner of the garden found that his employee wasted a lot of time standing in front of the flowerbeds, apparently not doing anything. AND sent him away […]”, the highlighted conjunction could be replaced by:
a) However
b) Because
c) Therefore
d) However
Question 8 – It can be said that the conjunctions analyzed above are:
( ) coordinative because they link independent clauses to each other,
( ) subordinate because they link dependent clauses to each other.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.