Text interpretation activity aimed at students in the 1st year of high school, aiming at the study of the opinion article text genre. The article used is “I am against lowering the highest criminal age”.
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Read this opinion article and then answer the proposed questions:
Renato Roseno
The brutality committed against two youths in São Paulo rekindled a bonfire: the reduction of the penal age. Some people defend the idea that from the age of sixteen, young people who commit crimes must serve a sentence in prison. They believe that violence may be on the rise because the penalties provided for by law, or their enforcement, are too soft for minors. But it is necessary to think about the reasons for violence, since there is no single type of crime.
Renato Roseno is a lawyer, coordinator of the Center for the Defense of Children and Adolescents (Cedeca – Ceará) and of the National Association of Centers for the Defense of Children and Adolescents (Anced).
1) What are the professional activities performed by the author of the article? For what purpose were they cited?
2) According to the article, what is the argument of those who defend the reduction of the penal age?
3) Reread:
"There are planned six different measures for the accountability of adolescents who violated the law.". Identify two words that could be placed in place of "violated", without interfering with the meaning of the sentence:
4) These are opinions defended by Renato Roseno in his article, EXCEPT:
a) The application of more repressive measures in the fight against crimes, contrary to what many people think, ends up generating more violence.
b) He is against reducing the age of criminal responsibility, because he defends the idea that minors should not be held responsible for their infractions.
c) Keeping adolescents and adults together in the same penal system will not reduce violence, since the Brazilian penal system, as it stands, does not improve individuals.
d) It is fundamental, above all, to value life in all its forms, through an ethical and political project of society.
5) These are characteristics assumed by the opinion article text genre, EXCEPT:
a) The topic discussed in it is generally controversial.
b) The author presents, in this genre, contrary opinions in relation to the debated topic.
c) The author exposes his point of view on the subject, arguing, in order to convince the reader of the opinion he defends.
d) The author informs, in this genre, about a fact that occurred, of public interest.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.