Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, explores the punctuation marks. Punctuating a text correctly is essential for understanding the text, isn't it? Are we going to study punctuation marks? To do this, answer the various questions based on the text. Small talk, written by Diléa Frate! You would know, for example, to put the signs in the excerpt And what are you going to do with this fish so young It's so small let it live a little longer? Let's go to the challenge?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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He was once a very old man who, because he didn't have much to do, went fishing in a lake.
Once upon a time there was a very young boy who also didn't have much to do and was fishing in the same lake.
One day, the two met, side by side in fishing, and at the same moment, at exactly the same moment, they felt that little tug that indicates that the fish has taken the bait. The boy pulled with strength and precision. The old man used more precision and less force. When the respective fish appeared, however, disappointment: the boy's fish was too old and the old man's fish was too young!
The old man said to the boy:
– You can't fish that old fish! Let him live what little life he has left.
The boy replied:
And what are you going to do with this fish so young It's so small let it live a little longer
The old man and the boy looked at each other and, wasting no time, threw the fish into the lake.
They became friends and now, when they don't have much to do, they go to the lake, say hello to the fish and kill time by chatting.
FRATE, Dilea. “Stories to Wake Up”. São Paulo: Companhia das Letrinhas, 1996.
Question 1 - In the passage “Once upon a time there was a very old man who, because he didn't have much to do, kept fishing […]”, the commas indicate:
a) an omission
b) an intercalation
c) an enumeration
d) a displacement
Question 2 - In “One day, the two met […]”, the comma separates an adverbial adjunct:
a) which indicates mode.
b) which indicates place.
c) which indicates time.
d) which indicates cause.
Question 3 – In the excerpt “When the respective fish appeared, however, disappointment […]”, the conjunction separated by commas is:
a) additive
b) alternative
c) conclusive
d) adversative
Question 4 - In the segment “[…] disappointment: the boy's fish was too old and the old man's fish was too young!”, the colon announces:
a) a quote
b) an explanation
c) a comparison
d) a speech by one of the characters
Question 5 - In “Let him live what little life he has left.”, the final period closes a period that presents:
a) a prayer
b) two prayers
c) three prayers
d) four prayers
Question 6 – Note that the following fragment was transcribed without punctuation:
And what are you going to do with this fish so young It's so small let it live a little longer
Rewrite this fragment, punctuating it with the signs in the table below:
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.