For the year 2023, the Ministry of Economy already has a forecast for the minimum wage. According to data provided by the Secretariat for Economic Policy, the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) for 2022 rose from 4.25% to 6.70%. This percentage is a way for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) to be able to measure the purchasing power of the population and make the annual correction of the national floor taking this result as base. Keep reading!
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Considering the new index presented, the minimum wage for 2023 should be readjusted by R$ 81 over the current value (R$ 1,212). With that, the salary floor for the next year could reach R$ 1,293.
However, the minimum wage increase is only a forecast based on the current high inflation. The basic remuneration can be modified during the year, depending on the variation in the cost of living. Therefore, if the inflation rate is greater than 6.70%, the value of the national floor for 2023 will be higher than that presented by the forecast.
According to the study carried out by the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Studies Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese), currently the minimum wage is used as a model for around 50 million workers. However, some companies choose to adopt different values according to the cost of living.
As provided by law, the correction of the minimum wage must occur annually to guarantee the purchasing power of the Brazilian population. In addition, this calculation is based on the INPC percentages, which may change according to the country's economy.
The current forecast for the 2023 minimum wage only takes into account the INPC, which is the main inflation gauge. Thus, it is believed that the Federal Government should continue to follow the same method as in previous years, without adding real gains.
See below how the calculation of the minimum wage should look with the current percentage.