The Central Bank (BC) informed on the last day 15 that almost 17 million people still have not consulted the receivables system. They are individuals and legal entities that have some money forgotten in banks. So far, almost 60 million individuals have already performed the consultation. Learn more about this payment.
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The BC expects that R$ 8 billion will be paid to around 28 million individuals and companies. For the time being, more than 16.7 million Brazilians and companies that have receivables have not consulted the new website for the Receivable Value System (SVR).
For the time being, 59.9 million CPF and CNPJ consultations have already been carried out on the website. However, only 18% of this total was related to positive balances, which represents an amount of approximately 10 million.
Information regarding the balance available for redemption is not yet available to users. In this way, the result of the query only indicates whether there are amounts to be redeemed or not. This information should only be disclosed in March.
Those who had zero balance as a result can now have a new chance in the next step. According to the Central Bank, there will be another phase of release of new values. Therefore, those who consulted the site and initially saw that they did not have money to receive may be in for a surprise from May onwards, when the next stage begins.
The query is very simple to do. You must access the Receivables, enter your CPF or CNPJ, as well as the date of birth or creation of the company. After that, wait for the system to respond.
If your balance is positive, save the date that will appear on the screen, as it will be on that day that you you will know the exact amount you will receive and you will also be able to request the transfer, through the same site.
Finally, payments will be made from March 7th via Pix. For those who do not have a Pix key or choose not to put it in when requesting the transfer, the respective banks will contact you to inform you how the deposit will be made.