the franchise Chiquinho Ice Cream was created by Francisco Olímpio de Oliveira, known as Chiquinho, from Minas Gerais, and has become one of the fastest growing brands in Brazil.
Originating in the interior of Minas Gerais, the brand founded in 1980 has become a successful franchise with 600 stores opened in the country. To get an idea of the demand for opening stores and franchisees, the company's data point to 15 new requests for franchises per day.
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With these growing numbers and increasing knowledge on the part of the population, entrepreneurs are increasingly thinking about investing in franchises. However, many people are unaware of the investment amounts applied to build a franchise, in addition to the billing amounts. If you also have questions about the subject, keep reading!
To learn more about the investment costs of a Chiquinho Sorvetes franchise, it is necessary to understand the company's franchise models.
This is because the brand offers 3 different franchise models that have different investment and also billing values. For example, the Kiosk model, a more basic model that needs 9 to 12 square meters, has an initial investment of BRL 280,000.
In addition, it is necessary to include the franchise fee of BRL 45,000 presented by the brand. This model is common in airports, supermarkets and shopping malls. The Loja Básica model, a small store for shopping malls, has an average basic investment of R$290,000.
In this case, the franchise fee is around R$ 35,000 for franchisees. And the largest model, the Loja de Shopping model, has an initial investment of BRL 350,000 with a franchise fee of BRL 60,000.
The billing amounts also differ according to each of the franchises, so let's see what the average is for each one. Starting with the most basic model, the Kiosk, there is an average cost of R$ 45,000 per month. This will be the same amount for basic store billing.
Thus, both have a rate of 2% on advertising and 5% on royalties on gross revenue. The monthly billing of a mall store is around R$60,000, in addition to royalty and advertising fees, which are the same as the others. Because, with these values, more and more entrepreneurs conclude that the investment is worth it.