You certainly know what the seasons are, don't you? Now, would you know what are the greatest characteristics of each of them? Well, we prepared a Hunting words about seasons of the year and your mission is to find them in the image, but beyond that, we've listed some fun facts about each one of them so you can get to know them better. Check out!
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We have four seasons in a year, they are: winter, spring, autumn and summer. Each one has striking characteristics and depending on the state where you live, it is possible to notice the difference between them very well. On the other hand, in some parts of the country where the climate does not change much throughout the year, it is more difficult to get this idea.
In Brazil, autumn begins at the end of March and ends at the beginning of June. As it comes after summer and prepares us for winter, during this season it is common for daily temperatures to decrease, while winds increase and air humidity decreases as well.
Winter is the coldest season of the year, it starts at the end of June, usually between the 20th and 21st of that month and lasts until mid-September. The great characteristic of winter is the reduction of temperatures. In fact, in some places in Brazil it is even possible to observe the formation of snow during this period of the year.
Spring usually starts on the 23rd of September and lasts until the 21st of December. It is a season marked by the incredible colors of the flowers and it is also during spring that temperatures, which were low during winter, start to increase until summer.
Summer is the hottest season and, for this reason, it is the favorite of many tourists who come to Brazil to escape the harsh winter of places like Europe. During this period, which usually starts on December 21 and lasts until March 21, thermometers register the highest temperatures and the days are longer than the nights.
Now that we remember what the seasons are and their main characteristics, it's time for you to find their name in the word search image. Good luck!
So, did you manage to find the four words? If so, congratulations on your observation skills. Otherwise, don't be sad. Below is a picture with all stations highlighted so you can check where the words were.