Thousands of workers still haven't withdrawn about R$ 22 million available at Caixa Econômica Federal. This amount refers to the PIS/Pasep quotas of citizens who worked with a formal contract between 1971 and 1988, but did not redeem the money.
The withdrawal will be available until May 2025 for everyone who is entitled. After this period, the amounts will be returned to the Union's coffers, with no possibility of further redemption.
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The PIS/Pasep quotas were transferred by the federal government to the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS). Until that decision, the money was distributed to employees in the form of quotas proportional to salary and length of service.
The worker only needs to go to a Caixa branch and present an official document with a photo to withdraw the money. If he has already died, access to quotas is guaranteed to heirs upon presentation of a death certificate and proof of the dependency bond.
Anyone who already has an individual account at Caixa can request a direct deposit into it. It is also possible to make withdrawals at branches and ATMs of the bank, at Caixa Aqui Correspondents and at lottery outlets.
It is worth mentioning that the PIS/Pasep quotas are not the same thing as the salary bonus. This second benefit is paid to all citizens who worked with a formal contract in the previous year.