In times of crisis, it is common to regret the jobs that we choose. After all, nothing worse than arriving at the end of the month and having almost nothing left after paying our accounts. Even few professions manage to provide the comfort of a good remuneration. Want to know what they are? well then meet what are the professions with salaries greater than R$ 10 thousand.
Read more: Find out which are the 4 professions that employ the most in Brazil
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According to research, the minimum wage in Brazil it should be over R$ 6 thousand. In these cases, it is normal that the first activities that come to mind are related to medicine or entrepreneurship. However, in this list, some options that are a little more affordable will be presented, but which still require a lot of effort to reach these salaries.
Salaries for IT professionals can vary greatly, as they depend on the service offered and the level of seniority of the professional. However, in general, this is an area with a high demand for quality labor, which ends up providing high wages. Here in Brazil, a systems developer, for example, can receive up to R$ 20,000.
Dentists are other healthcare professionals with a good prospect for salary growth. In some cases, they can receive up to BRL 30,000 a month, especially when they perform surgeries and treatments that are a little more expensive. In addition, with the advancement of technology and marketing strategies, social networks have become great allies of these people.
Accountants are essential professionals for different processes in a company, especially auditing. Because of this, their salaries can easily reach R$ 10,000, but with a lot of effort. This is because it is an activity that requires a lot of responsibility, which can be quite stressful for some people.
In addition, it is important to remember that in all these professions, academic growth, such as a master's and doctorate, can value them even more.