Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, aims to study the personal pronoun. You know, for example, what's wrong with the phrase “Ancient people watched the Moon! So they saw her change shape.”? Let's analyze? This is one of the questions based on the curious text Why does the week have seven days? Let's get to work, guys!
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I bet you think the week is long and the weekend is short. And who ever dreamed of changing balls to go to school for just two days and play for another five! But why are our calendars organized into seven-day weeks?
The answer is in heaven. When looking at the Moon, ancient peoples noticed that it changed shape at regular intervals of time: it appeared as full as a ball (full moon), then it diminished until it was by half (quarter waning), it continued to decrease until it became a very thin ring and disappeared (new moon) and then it grew again until it was halved (quarter growing). The separation between each phase (full, waning quarter, nova and crescent) lasts seven days and a few hours and is the result of the Earth's movement around the Sun.
[…] From Earth, we observe seven stars that move in the sky – the Sun, the Moon and the five planets that we can see with the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. […]
ROCHA, Jaime F. Villas of. "Why does the week have seven days?" (Fragment).
Question 1 - Which highlighted verb or phrase has a personal pronoun as its subject?
( ) “I bet that you think the week is long and the weekend is short.”
( ) “And that already dreamed change balls to go to school […]"
( ) “But why our calendars are organized in seven-day weeks?"
Question 2 - In the text above, the personal pronoun “she” takes up:
( ) "the moon"
( ) "full moon"
( ) "new Moon"
Question 3 - In the passage “From Earth, we observe seven stars moving in the sky […]”, the subject of the underlined verb is a personal pronoun. Identify it:
Question 4 – In the sentence "We can seethem to the naked eye!”, the personal pronoun “los” is a personal pronoun of the oblique case. Because?
Question 5 - The utterance “Ancient peoples watched the Moon! So they saw her change shape.” was misspelled as regards the use of a personal pronoun. Rewrite it in line with the cultured norm:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.