We selected in this post some templates ready for your Tiradentes and Inconfidência Mineira Lesson Plan – 21 April.
O Tiradentes Day is celebrated in April 21st, and is considered a National holiday in Brazil. This date honors the figure of the national hero Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, popularly known as “Tiradentes” (reference to his profession as a dentist).
The celebration of this date is important because Tiradentes is considered one of the brave Brazilians who fought for independence the domain of the Portuguese.
To work this day in the classroom with students from the early grades and elementary school, we selected these models and tips for your Tiradentes and Inconfidência Mineira Lesson Plan, check out:
Tiradentes Lesson Plan – Knowing its history
In cognitive terms, the following aspects will be worked:
The strategies used will be:
To start the classes, we suggest that the teacher show the students some images of the city of Tiradentes in Minas Gerais (Fig. 1 and 2) and ask them if they know why the city is named; if you have ever heard of anyone with that name.
Lesson Plan Tiradentes
After listening to the students' previous knowledge about Tiradentes, the teacher should propose that they organize themselves in pairs so that they can know more details who Tiradentes was, and why he was and is such an important person in the history of Brazil, as well as why the city in Minas Gerais has the name of Tiradentes.
Activity 1
At that moment, with the students organized in pairs in the computer lab, the teacher should ask the students to do research on the internet, books and magazines about Tiradentes, so they can find out who was this person who was so important that today there is a city that has the name in its tribute.
Students will be able to do the research based on the following themes:
We suggest that the teacher distribute one of these themes to each pair, so that research can be more in-depth and diversified.
After developing the research, the teacher should ask each pair to talk a little about what they discovered with their research.
This will be an important moment for the exchange of experiences between the groups and also for the development of orality. We suggest that students be seated in a large circle to make the conversation more dynamic.
At this point, it is important that the pairs talk to each other so that everyone is clear about the time in which Tiradentes lived, what the important aspects were (politics, study opportunities, customs, among other things), why a Brazilian city has a name in its honor, what was its importance for the country. Students should understand why there is currently a day in the calendar that celebrates the “Day of Tiradentes”, finally, the students should understand why this character was and is so important to the country.
In order to finish the classes, we suggest that students divide into groups of four members (joining two pairs from the previous activity) to continue with the next activity.
Creating the “Espaço Tiradentes”!
Since the students are already divided into a group of four members, the teacher should propose that each group prepare a mural, with posters to display texts and images on the researched topics (which are listed in the activity 1).
After making the posters and the mural, students can invite other students from the school to visit the “Espaço Tiradentes” and that they are the “guides” of the “exhibition”, that is, telling visitors the story of Tiradentes.
We also suggest that the video about the story of Tiradentes (Fig. 5), according to the link below, is transmitted to visitors to the exhibition.
The video lasts approximately 05 min and 00sec. (five minutes) and briefly covers the entire history of Tiradentes' life and its importance to Brazil.
We suggest that the teacher take photos of the exhibition to put them on another wall. This mural would be the documentation of the exhibition made by the students.
We suggest that the teacher lead the students to reflect on the importance of the Inconfidência Mineira and introduce the students to another participant in this movement – Tomás Antônio Gonzaga.
The teacher will be able to tell the students that this was also an important artist for Brazil; who wrote literary works that are read to this day by students and Literature lovers.
One of these works, such as “Marília de Dirceu” can be shown to students!
The assessment must take place at all times. It is important for the teacher to understand at the end of the classes whether the students understood the importance of Tiradentes for the Brazilian people and the consolidation of its history.
The teacher should also evaluate the following aspects:
Lesson Plan Tiradentes
This didactic proposal is guided by the Curriculum Matrix for ENEM, within the axis "Reference Matrix of Human Sciences and its Technologies“, Competence of area 1 – Understand the cultural elements that constitute the identities.
For the development of this competence, the objective is to provide students with activities that enable them to:
We suggest that these activities be carried out in a computer lab. However, in schools where there are projects, such as “One Computer per Student” (UCA), activities can be developed in the classroom. Depending on the reality of the school, the class can also be applied, using a computer connected to a TV.
For the class, when the computer only has Linux, students will have contact with the following software:
Figure 01: Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes:
Lesson Plan Tiradentes
– Write down on the board the main knowledge brought by students about the commemoration of this date and the political leader who represents it. From the “seeding of ideas”, explain that in the next classes some relevant questions about the political movement called Inconfidência Mineira will be studied.
– Teacher, ask students to organize themselves into groups of 4 to 5 members and give them copies of the article “Tiradentes”, available on the multimedia platform Britannica Online School <http://escola.britannica.com.br/article/483590/Tiradentes>.
– Guide teams to highlight the information that most caught their attention. From this reading, propose a survey in order to answer the following questions:
– To answer these and other questions that arise, guide them to go to the library and search in Geography or History books or to consult search engines in the Internet and other sources that address the theme. Suggest reading the text "Mining Inconfidence“, available at: <http://escola.britannica.com.br/article/483299/Inconfidencia-Mineira>, (accessed on 07/04/2014).
Comment: At this time, it is important to guide students to research specific sites for school research, which have reliable information, such as the Multimedia Platform Britannica Online School.
– Teacher, follow each step of the activity, providing guidance, clarifying possible doubts and mediating debates among peers with a view to promoting the construction of knowledge by all students.
– Emphasize to the groups that they must deliver a report with a summary table of the results of their research, in addition to present them orally, with the aid of audiovisual resources (computer, TV with DVD, among others that they choose).
– Discuss in advance with the groups what resources will be used for the presentation and also how much time should be made available in your planning.
– Carefully follow the presentations and intervene to clarify possible doubts or misunderstandings presented by the students.
– Allow each student to express their point of view from the sources of information they found.
– Mediate the discussion between the groups, highlighting the most important information. Showcase during group presentations:
– Highlight that the independence of Brazil only took place in 1822, but that, without a doubt, Tiradentes had a great contribution to the beginning of the movement that promoted the liberation of our country from the Portuguese Crown and, therefore, the 21st of April, the day of the death of this important martyr, was transformed into one of the most important holidays nationals.
– Take advantage of the relevance of this theme and work together with teachers from other areas. Suggest that teachers prepare an interdisciplinary project to work in an integrated way, so that students understand the concepts studied and their applications in daily life. In Portuguese, students can work with production and interpretation of texts on the subject; with History and Sociology they can study the various historical events that led to the independence of our country; in Sciences they can carry out studies on the urban socio-environmental problems arising from mining in the gold period; in Art, can make thematic panels; in Math, tabulate quantitative data and build graphs, tables, among other countless possibilities.
Lesson Plan Objectives:
Using graphics related to mining production, present students with an overview of the economic situation in Minas Gerais in the 18th century. Work with them to interpret the information provided by the graphs: the growth, peak, and decline of gold extraction from the mid-1700s.
The interpretation of the graphs must be combined with the perception that, even with the decline in production, the Portuguese government created mechanisms and forms of control and taxation.
Discuss with students the creation of the Minas Intendencies in 1702; the payment of the “fifth” and variations in the form of its collection; the creation of the Casa de Fundição in Vila Rica, in 1720, highlighting the action of the Portuguese government against the smuggling of gold, contrasting the metropolis' motivations for fiscal austerity and the reasons that led the colonists to settle revolt.
The decline in gold production and the growing pressure from the Portuguese Crown to collect taxes, aggravated the crisis in region of Minas, and in 1778 the situation reached its peak with the creation of the "spill", which was the collection of fifths in delay. Highlight for the students that the spill reached a good part of the Minas Gerais elite and a small group then started to conspire against the Crown and to plan the movement to separate the captaincy of Minas Gerais and the installation of a republican government unitary. Tell the students about the conspirators, pointing out that they were members of the colonial elite (miners, priests, farmers, lawyers, civil servants and high-ranking military personnel) who owed large sums to the Portuguese treasury and who, therefore, had to pay pours it.
Focus on the purpose of the revolt and how the Inconfidentes' plans were thwarted after some members of the group were summoned to the Royal Treasury Board, among them Joaquim Silvério do Reis, who denounced his companions in exchange for the forgiveness of his debt. Highlight the figure of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, Tiradentes, a low-ranking military man, who maintained a good relationship with the local elite, identified as a leader. After this exhibition, ask the students to organize themselves into groups and prepare a report with information about Tiradentes, researching in books, magazines and the internet.
Ask students to share the information they found about Tiradentes. Ask which image they think best represents Lieutenant Joaquim José da Silva Xavier: hero or criminal? Observe the reaction and opinion of students and then work on the construction of the Tiradentes myth, celebrated to this day on a national holiday.
Talk about the inquiry that was opened against the inconfidentes – the “wanker” – and the trial and conviction of the conspirators, highlighting the execution of Tiradentes. Present the students with two images about Tiradentes' conviction: “Tiradentes Suffered” (1893), by Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Melo; “Martírio de Tiradentes” (1893), by Francisco Aurélio de Figueiredo e Melo.
Ask students to look at the images and describe what they are seeing (which elements are present on the screens; the appearance of the offender etc.). Ask students if they believe the artists intended to draw an analogy between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the martyrdom of Tiradentes and if they can explain this possible relationship. The teacher can look for other images to confirm this assumption.
The objective is to discuss with students how the historical view of this character has changed, since in the Colony he was considered a criminal and, with the advent of the Republic – and the need of creating a figure capable of symbolically synthesizing and sustaining the new regime, in opposition to the Empire and the Portuguese heritage – Tiradentes was raised to the status of martyr and hero national.
Work with students to build their hero image and celebrate April 21st. What is the meaning of celebrating Tiradentes day today? What does Tiradentes represent for us today? Does your image still retain some symbolic force?
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