Check out tips for making Descriptive Opinion of the student (Descriptive Report) and also models to serve as a base when creating your own.
“Why is it important to register? Is the act of knowing permanent? So it is implicit knowledge as a social act and that this educator made history. There is no subject of knowledge without the appropriation of history. It is the record that historicizes the process for the achievement of the historic product. It also enables the appropriation and socialization of memory, as the history of this process.” (Nun, M. 1989, p.5).
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What are the biggest challenges when doing the (Descriptive Report or Descriptive Opinion) ?
“Writing – speech representation, re-presents what our pedagogical consciousness triggers”. (Nun, M. 1989, p.5).
Check out the points that we should pay attention to:
EX. “the student does not know”, “does not know”, “does not perform”, etc...
SUGGESTION: Replace with “not yet known” or “needs to develop” or “will need to work”
See also: Suggestions for the student's report or descriptive opinion
“Opinion is, above all, the image of a job. When we report a process actually lived, we will naturally find representations that give it real meaning”. (Jussara Hoffmann, 1998.)
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He showed a happy, helpful and affectionate child, but during the quarter he presented insecurity to his new class (resistance to obey the rules established for the development of activities in the learning environments of the school ) being necessary for the teachers and the supervisor to intervene for the same. accept.
During individual and group activities, the child only performed the activities and participated through the intervention of the teacher.
She showed a good relationship with colleagues and teachers.
The child shows good hygiene habits and uses expressions of courtesy.
She is punctual in her homework, but in some situations she has not completed her homework on time, and it is necessary to stay after hours to copy or complete her homework at home. At times, he lacked more responsibilities with personal objects and focused on explaining activities.
It presents body balance, safely and agilely following the movements suggested in the games. Actively participates in the proposed games.
It can correctly cut the requested contour. Has a good fine motor coordination when tracing the letters.
In Portuguese, the child has a good development in reading, interpreting and writing skills.
In oral expression, the child only exposes their ideas at the teacher's request, but manages to organize information to present them coherently.
In mathematics, in some situations, you need the teacher's help to solve addition and subtraction operations.
The teacher talked with the mother about the difficulties the child had in complying with the rules established for the development of pedagogical activities, and about the problem of diction. It was suggested to the family that they work on the issue of autonomy with the child through the development of activities that allow them to exercise of this ability and keep the dialogue, guiding and working limits and suggested that they take to an expert to investigate the causes of the problem of diction.
In the classroom, the teacher always tried to work through conversations about the importance of complying with the rules and limits in order to be able to perform better in the proposed activities. The child has shown improvement in obeying the rules established at school.
Regarding diction, the child is undergoing treatment with the speech therapist where she sent an opinion explaining that stuttering is a complex and difficult-to-treat syndrome, and that the child was not at an advanced level but needed several sessions speech therapy. (It is attached to the report)
Aspects related to family monitoring
The child has had a great follow-up.
The family and school must walk together for the child's development.
It is important that you practice reading and writing daily, so when you build sentences and small texts, you can better organize your ideas to write correctly. The practice of these skills awakens the child's interest and attention, developing imagination, creativity, expression of ideas and pleasure in reading and writing.
Exercise addition and subtraction (according to what has been discussed), so that in the next trimester the child continues to advance.
Some important tips for doing your homework:
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Source: Simone Drummond
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