Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the prepositional phrases. The questions presented are based on the text that answers the question: Is watching TV bad for the eyes?
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Too much TV does not cause any kind of eye disease, but it can make you feel tired and have a headache. It is best to always take a break: every 2 hours, take a break for about 5 minutes.
Another problem that can arise after a long time in front of a screen (TV, computer, tablet or cell phone) is dryness in the eye region. When we get too attached to something, like a movie or a game, we blink less and the lubrication performed by tears has less effect.
Available at: < http://recreio.uol.com.br>. (Fragment).
Question 1 - The text serves the purpose of:
a) entertain
b) opine
c) criticize
d) inform
Question 2 - In the passage “Another problem that can arise after a long time in front of a canvas […]”, the highlighted prepositional phrase could be replaced by:
a) on top of
b) in front of
c) in the face of
d) with
Question 3 - Mark the sentence in which the author of the text used a prepositional phrase. Then underline it:
a) “Too much TV does not cause any kind of eye disease […]”
b) “[…] but it can make you feel tired and have a headache.”
c) “[…] stop for about 5 minutes.
d) “When we get too attached to something […]”
Question 4 – The prepositional phrase, identified in the previous question, expresses the notion of:
in time
b) place
c) mode
d) cause
Question 5 - Highlight the prepositional phrase that expresses the same notion, mentioned above, in the sentence:
“Another problem that can arise after a long time […]”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.