Portuguese activity, proposed to students in the eighth or ninth year of elementary school, with grammar exercises on the use of Onde or Aonde.
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complete with where or where
01) ______ did the accident happen, your guard?
02) I don't understand _____ Did Maria have her head when she committed that crime?
03) Girls, ______ do you want to arrive with these delinquent attitudes?
04) ______ do you think you are going, Paulo José?
05) ______ where the state of Minas Gerais is located, can someone explain it to me?
06) Give ______ are you talking, José?
07) Will ______ lead us to such a discussion, Clarita?
08) Until ______ is your rebellion, boy?
09) I don't know _____ to introduce myself, nor to whom to go to participate in the rehearsal.
10) ______ ends the limit and the quarrels begin.
11) I don't know ______to start looking for the children who went out to play.
12) I don't know ______ to go I'm lost without a right direction.
13) ______ is your pride, Peter?
14) I will ______ want me to go, child.
15) ______ Peter was this early?
16) ______ do you live, Cristina?
17) Jorge will visit the city ______ his father was born.
18) I will ______ John go without fear of making mistakes because of my choices.
19) ______ are my shoes, mother?
20) I live ______ no one lives, ______ no one lives.
21) ______ are the candidates for re-election, Carol?
22) Does ______ lead us to happiness? Someone can answer me?
23) I don't know how to find you when I get to São Paulo, Carla.
24) Are you talking about ______, Maria Clara?
25) ______ urban violence arrived in that country.
26) ______ Was the tabby cat I gave you as a present, Joaquim?
27) ______ I'm freezing cold.
28) Karina had told me to live there; but ______?
29) I arrived ______ I wanted to arrive for a long time.
30) ______ will these interim measures take us?
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.