Portuguese Activity on Word Classes for students of eighth year of elementary school. The student will read a brief text and, from that reading, will analyze some highlighted words. You will then answer four multiple-choice questions. At the end there will be a challenge question: he must choose a word from the text to classify it. I suggest you can do this activity in pairs, what do you think? Good task, teacher! 😀 😀 😀
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The basic thing is to defeat two forces that stick the “bichão” to the ground. The first is the resistance of the air against the plane or any moving object. To overcome it, planes use propellers, turbines or rockets to achieve a thrust greater than resistance. The second is the aircraft's own weight. In this case, you have to create a force more powerful than weight to push the plane up—the thrust. Easy? Not so, if we remember a principle of physics translated by the English Isaac Newton: every action generates a reaction of the same intensity, but with the opposite direction. That is, whenever the first inventors forced the plane upwards (thrust), the answer was an equal force downwards (weight). And the plane didn't fly. The solution appeared in another principle of physics, enunciated by the Swiss Daniel Bernoulli: when the speed of the passage of air through a surface increases, the pressure decreases. There, engineers designed wings so that the air passed faster at the top and slower at the bottom. With that, the pressure at the top of the wing gets lower, and at the bottom it gets higher, right? This pressure difference “sucks” the wing up, generating enough thrust to lift the plane. In the air, movable blades help to control sideways and up and down movements.
(Adapted from http://mundoestranho.abril.com.br/tecnologia/como-o-aviao-voa/)
Sort the grammatical class of the words highlighted in the text:
1) basic (line 1) –
2) in (line 2) -
3) use (line 3) –
4) A (line 4) -
5) to (line 5) -
6) remember (line 6) –
7) reaction (line 7) -
8) first (line 8) -
9) was (line 9) -
10) solution (line 10) -
Regarding this sentence in the text, answer the questions:
“In the air, movable paddles help control lateral movements(…).”
1. How many nouns are there in that sentence?
a) 1 noun
b) 2 nouns
c) 3 nouns
d) 4 nouns
e) 5 nouns
2. How many verbs are there in that sentence?
a) 1 verb
b) 2 verbs
c) 3 verbs
d) 4 verbs
e) 5 verbs
3. How many adjectives are there in that sentence?
a) 1 adjective
b) 2 adjectives
c) 3 adjectives
d) 4 adjectives
e) 5 adjectives
4. Which alternative brings the word and its correct classification?
a) air - numeral
b) spades - adjective
c) help – noun
d) a - preposition
e) the – verb
5. CHALLENGE QUESTION – Choose a word from the text and make your classification:
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of exams for public examinations and is a content creator for the Portal www.acessaber.com.br.
At answers are in the link above the header.