Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, explores the accessory terms of prayer: Adjunto adnominal, Adjunto adverbial and Aposto. Do you have questions about this matter? How about studying them in the news ‘Rua de Direitos’ helps homeless people to have basic services in Belo Horizonte? So, answer the various questions proposed below!
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Read the news below:
More than 1,800 people live on the streets of the capital, according to the PBH census
The action “Rua de Direitos”, of the “Rua do Respect” project, is held in Belo Horizonte this Tuesday (29), in the Santa Tereza neighborhood, in the East Region of Belo Horizonte. The event offers basic services to homeless people, such as issuing documents and health care. According to the last census carried out by the city's city hall, in 2013, more than 1,800 people lived on the streets of the capital of Minas Gerais.
Until 5 pm, homeless people will have access to medical and dental care, legal and social security advice, haircuts, preparation of a résumé, registration with the National Employment System (Sine), in addition to issuing documents such as identity card and voter.
The initiative of the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais (MPMG), Voluntary Social Assistance Service (Servas) and the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG) has the support of other institutions. According to Carolina de Oliveira, director of Servas, homeless people “are in a transitory situation, most want to get out of this situation and need an opportunity”.
The service tents are located at Rua Conselheiro Rocha, 2,500, Santa Tereza, Belo Horizonte, in front of the Caminho Verdade e Vida Foundation.
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Question 1 - In all alternatives, the adverbials indicate the place where the action "Rua de Direitos" will be performed, except in:
a) "in Belo Horizonte"
b) "this Tuesday (29)"
c) “in the Santa Tereza neighborhood”
d) "in the East Region of Belo Horizonte."
Question 2 - In the segment “[…] in 2013, more than 1.8 thousand people lived on the streets of the capital of Minas Gerais.”, the adjunct assistant “mineira”:
a) explains the noun “capital”.
b) complements the noun “capital”.
c) characterizes the noun “capital”.
d) determines the noun “capital”.
Question 3 – In “Until 5 pm, homeless people will have access to medical and dental care […]”, the comma separates an adverbial adjunct:
a) half
b) of time
c) so
d) of affirmation
Question 4 - In the excerpt “[…] in addition to issuing documents such as identity card and title of voter.”, the highlighted adjunct is:
a) an adjective phrase
b) a prepositional phrase
c) a substantive phrase
d) a conjunctive phrase
Question 5 - Highlight the expression that performs the function of presenting “Carolina de Oliveira”:
“According to Carolina de Oliveira, director of Servas, homeless people […]”
Question 6 – The expression, underlined above, is called:
a) bet
b) vocative
c) nominal complement
d) predicative of the subject
Question 7 – Check the sentence where the "a" is an adjunct:
a) “’Rua de Direitos’ helps homeless people to have basic services in Belo Horizonte”.
b) “The event offers basic services to homeless people […]”
c) “[…] homeless people will have access to medical and dental care […]”
d) “The initiative of the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais (MPMG) […]”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.