As December 2023 unfolds, we face a period of reflection and challenges, especially for three Zodiac signs. This month, marked by transits of Venus, leads us to ponder our losses and gains from the...onin Miscellanea
In the new chapter of Fortnite, Epic Games brings two big news: a new island and Lego Fortnite, a survival game experience with construction.Photo: Reproduction / Fortnite.see more
Has the price of...onin Miscellanea
Did you know that kitchen cabinets can harbor mold, bad smells and insects that can harm your health and that of your food? If you want to avoid these problems and keep your clean kitchen and smell...onin Miscellanea
O Christmas is knocking on the door, and the holiday season is about to begin. With the season summer in plain sight, many are searching for the perfect look to impress friends and family.See too: ...onin Miscellanea
Paleobiologists from several universities, including Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, the ULiverpool John Moores University and the University of Birmingham, are unveiling another chapter in t...onin Miscellanea
December has arrived and, with it, that curiosity: who will be in the spotlight this month? The truth is that three signs that you will have a wonderful December, if you are open to life's opportun...onin Miscellanea
In the comfort of our homes, few things bring as much satisfaction as caring for plants. But imagine if, in addition to being beautiful, they could also bring health benefits?To the medicinal plant...onin Miscellanea
With the appreciation of the dollar and the failure of the olives In Europe, the price of olive oil, one of the most appreciated oils in world cuisine, has experienced a notable increase, as planne...onin Miscellanea
Living in a fast-paced and often stressful world can profoundly impact not only our mental health, but also our physical well-being.One area where this connection between mind and body manifests it...onin Miscellanea
From the mid-20th century to the present day, the pressures surrounding the satisfaction of the infamous “beauty standards” only increase.These cruel social impositions literally promote segregatio...onin Miscellanea