Do you believe that names make people more interesting? This reaction occurs because the name influences someone's image. After all, it can transmit characteristics such as personality, origin, tas...onin Miscellanea
There are three signs that will earn big this week, thanks to the energies cosmic images that are there for everyone to see. The cause of this is Mercury sextile Venus, Mars trine Neptune, Sun trin...onin Miscellanea
Eyebrows are part of our look in a super important way, being a highlight on our face. And there is something that a lot of people ask themselves: “Can I use hair in the eyebrows?” And the answer i...onin Miscellanea
A generation Z, born between 1995 and 2010, is reaching adulthood and starting to build her own homes. With different values and priorities than previous generations, this generation is bringing ...onin Miscellanea
What is your morning routine like? If you're like a large part of the Brazilian population, you wake up and go straight to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee to start the day off right, right? ...onin Miscellanea
We started this week with the news that Brazil will have thermometers reaching more than 40ºC in some regions. And the extreme heat doesn't seem to be giving much respite for a while. Therefore, it...onin Miscellanea
If you're a little older, you've heard several theories about the end of the world. The most recent were from 1999 to 2000 (the famous millennium bug) and 2012 (which made an allusion to an ancient...onin Miscellanea
There are strange tricks that really work, that is, that have some practical or beneficial effect, even if they seem absurd. These tips involve common objects that have countless little-known uses ...onin Miscellanea
November has an astrologically busy sky, promising great transformations and a great realization for some. With the New Moon in Scorpio starting the month, followed by a series of significant plane...onin Miscellanea
Did you know that the organization of your home is directly related to your stress level? The fact of being glued to the cell phone screen and the bombardment of information and stimuli that pop up...onin Miscellanea