activity text interpretation, aimed at fifth-year elementary school students, about the partial eclipse of the Moon. She will be covered by two types of shadow! Are we going to know more about thi...onin 5th YearMainSeries
activity text interpretation, aimed at fifth-year elementary school students, about a tree that blooms throughout the trunk. What tree is that, huh? Find out by reading the text! Then, answer the ...onin MainActivities
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, about verbs in the infinitive. Let's analyze the verbs in this nominal form in the text brown booby? To do so, answ...onin MainSeries9th Year
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, about verbs in the infinitive. Let's analyze this nominal form in the text Possum: Brazilian marsupial doesn't sme...onin MainSeries8th Year
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, about accentuation. Let's analyze the accented words in the text Bees? To do this, answer the questions proposed! ...onin MainSeries8th Year
Math Activity, proposed to students in the second year and third year of elementary school, with Problems for the 4 operations. You can download this math activity in an editable Word template, re...onin MainSeries2nd Year
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, explores oxytone words. How about analyzing them in the text about maxalalagá? To do this, answer the questions pro...onin Main7th YearSeries
activity text interpretation, aimed at fifth-year students, about a mountain lion. The feline was captured in the garage of a house in the interior of Minas Gerais. Shall we inform ourselves about...onin 5th YearMainSeries
activity text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about José Saramago. Let's learn the story of this great author of the Portuguese language? So, read the tex...onin 5th YearMainSeries
activity text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about Ailton Krenak. He he is the new Immortal of the Brazilian Academy of Letters! How about finding out mo...onin 5th YearMainSeries